Moving to Norway: How much money do I need to live in Stavanger?

by time news

Dating back to the 12th century is the historic city of Stavanger in the southwest of Norway. Home to just 130,000 residents, the city is Norway’s fourth largest.

The size of the city means the town centre has enough hustle and bustle for most while retaining its small-town charm.

Thanks mainly to the oil industry nearby, the city is also a hub for skilled workers and high-paying jobs. But how much money is required to live there comfortably?

We’ve crunched the numbers below.

Rent: 8,577- 11,900 kroner per month (apartment)

Renting in Stavanger is cheaper than in Trondheim but comparable to or slightly more expensive than in Bergen. In addition, it’s significantly more affordable than renting a place in the capital of Oslo.

You can expect to pay between 8,577 and 11,213 kroner per month for an apartment, according to figures from the rental platform Dorm. However, when taking figures from Norway’s most popular site for property listings,, the average cost of renting in the city climbs to 11,882 NOK per month.

Students and those who’d rather live in a house share, to begin with, can expect to pay around 5,200 kroner for a room in a house share. This is good news for those on a budget as the cost of a room in Stavanger is cheaper than in other cities when using figures from Hybel.

Due to the city’s small size, there can be bottlenecks in the market at certain times of the year, such as the beginning of the academic year, which can make competition for a place to live in Stavanger particularly fierce.

Utilities: DKK 1,000- 3,000

This can be hard to set a definite price on, given that the country is currently experiencing high and fluctuating energy costs.

In September 2022, the cost of energy in Stavanger was, on average, 4,48 kroner per kWh. However, the government covered around 3.6 kroner of that price in subsidised bills.

Since then, the proportion the government covers has increased to 90 percent when the spot price is above 70 øre per kWh.

Additionally, bills will become more expensive through the winter as temperatures drop and consumers use more power.

Figures show the average monthly consumption for an apartment ranges from 300-500 kWh a month. Bigger homes will typically need more energy to power them.

Estimates from a comparison site show that quotes for monthly bills in Stavanger range from around 1,435 kroner for a small apartment with an annual consumption of 4,000 kWh to approximately 2,100 kroner per month for consumption equivalent to a large apartment (6,000).

Much larger homes, such as a detached home with a consumption of 16,000 kWh, can expect to pay an eye-watering 5,000 kroner plus.

The landlord may cover the water and Wi-Fi bills when renting in Norway. If they do not, then you can add another 700 kroner to the price of utilities.

Transport: 600 kroner per month (monthly ticket)

Many living in Stavanger may decide they might not need a car to get around and instead rely on public transport.

Luckily, most of the town centre is easily walkable. However, if you plan on living in nearby Sandnes and don’t have a car, you will be more reliant on transport to get around.

The city is also home to several ferry routes to locations such as Lysebotn, Ryfylke, Tau, Kvitsøyruten, Hjelmeland, Haugesund and the city islands.

The majority of these routes are run by the public transport group Columbus. Monthly tickets costs DKK 600.

Food: DKK 3,690

Consumption Research Norway (ILLNESS) estimates that the average cost of food for someone aged between 31- 50 is up to 3,690 kroner per month.

Eurostat, which monitors price levels across the EU, EEA and EU candidate countries, has ranked Norway with the second highest price level index for food and non-alcoholic beverages.

According to Eurostat’s data and price level index, prices in Norway were 49 percent higher than the EU average in 2021

However, Norwegians spend less money on food than other European households. Food and non-alcoholic beverages accounted for 11.3 percent of households’ total spending in 2022, according to Statistics Norway. The average across the EU was 13 percent.

Depending on your habits and diet, you can significantly cut down your food shop. Additionally, making the most of apps, loyalty schemes, and The Local’s money-saving tips can help with this.

READ MORE: Five essential tips for saving money on food shopping in Norway

Childcare: NOK 3,042

Roughly 90 percent of children living in Norway attend a kindergarten. The maximum price for a kindergarten spot in Norway is 3,050 kroner per month. This applies to both municipal and private kindergartens. However, other fees and costs are typically involved too.

According to the national data agency Statistics Norway (SSB), the average cost of preschool in Stavanger, including additional fees, is 3,042 kroner.

READ MORE: Everything parents in Norway need to know about preschool

It’s unlikely that you’ll want to be sat all week indoors after moving to a new city, so you’ll obviously want to know how much you can expect to shell out for one of the country’s infamously expensive beers while out:

Beer: DKK 99-125

A glass of wine: 105-115 kroner

Cocktail: DKK 120-140

Coffee: DKK 48

Cinema: NOK 140-180

Meal for two at a mid-range restaurant: 700-900 kroner

A cinnamon bun or hot dog: 50-65 kroner

Gym membership: DKK 450-750

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