Elections 2022 | Arad Nir attacked the block of seas; This is how Amit Segal responded

by time news

The foreign news editor of News 12, Arad Nir, this evening (Saturday) harshly criticized the parties of the right-wing bloc during the broadcast of his program. The statements caused an uproar on social networks, and an attack by a colleague from the news company.

“According to the latest polls published this weekend, there is still no decision between the bloc loyal to opposition leader Binyamin Netanyahu, who is on trial for bribery, fraud and breach of trust, and the parties facing him,” said Nir, “and this is even after Netanyahu trained the extreme right-winger Itamar Ben Gabir and connected him with Bezalel Smotrich, who wants the State of Israel to be governed according to the law of the Torah, in a party whose very name causes discomfort, Otzma Yehudit.

Among the critics was the commentator Amit Segal, who wrote: “Silence is slime. I strongly protest the words of Arad Nir tonight. This blatant propaganda in favor of one side shames the news company.”

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Later, he noted that “the CEO of the news company reprimanded Arad Nir this evening for his words that were said on the program “World Order” and summoned him for an investigation. The news company disavows these things.”

Noa Landau from time wrote on Twitter in response: “Arad Nir told the truth about Netanyahu and Ben Gvir. And to its editors, according to whom “Izon” is a program presented by a rightist with a rightist (and these are of course allowed to express a position), it is worth mentioning Popper’s paradox: tolerance towards those Those who are not tolerant will lead to the end of tolerance. Treating Ben Gabir as another legitimate contender is part of the causes of the tragedy on the way.”

The media person Yanon Magal also reacted to the words and tweeted on his Twitter account: “What I liked most about Arad Nir is that the very name ‘Otzma Yehudit’ makes him uncomfortable. You’re right. It’s better, for example: ‘Jewish Shame’, ‘Talai Yellow’, ‘The Merchants of Venice’ , ‘the mercy of the Gentiles’, ‘the lovers of money’ or ‘the powerless'”.

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