Opinion Personal security considerations will be at the center of the Knesset elections

by time news

On election day on Tuesday every voter is king for one day. Each and every one who enters the voting booth will determine which government will govern us in the coming years. Each and every one of the more than six million eligible voters has the power to determine who will determine the cost of living, the price of housing, the nature of the education system for his children and grandchildren, the content of the health system, so that the voter will be healthy in the years to come, and the value image of the country.

In the ballot box, full equality between the voters
A wide variety of considerations must be considered by the voter in each field and in all fields together since he is only allowed to put one note in the envelope. On Tuesday, a mandatory soldier who is voting for the first time in his life, a successful businessman from the 17th floor of Migdal Far in Tel Aviv, a resident of Eilat, a resident of Kiryat Shmona and Kfar Giladi, a resident of a Druze city and an Arab village, a settler and a pensioner from Rehovot will come to the polls. In ballots there is full equality between the voters.

One of the most important considerations in the self-questioning ‘who to vote for’ is security. Personal security, state security, public security, internal and external security, national security, security in my neighborhood and security in the world. The voter on Tuesday, in October 2022, what does he see in front of his eyes in terms of security when he comes to cast a ballot that will determine who will manage the security of the state.

From the inside out: Intifada is here, and it’s hard. Not just stones but carlo gunfire. Shooting attack and murder of an Israeli resident in Hebron on the Saturday before the elections. The personal security of Yosh residents has been compromised. The Knesset voter on Tuesday has several options for the question of what he demands from his next government: a strong hand in dealing with terrorism, additional troops, more battalions of soldiers and the border guard. A large military operation similar to those in the past. Have they resolved the The problem?

And maybe another way, maybe a new thought, fresh ideas, towards the resumption of serious negotiations with the Palestinians, one or two states, a political settlement. Is there anyone to talk to? My one note will determine which government will sit in Jerusalem and in which the voter will express his opinion.

Internal security and personal security
How will a farmer vote that night and night there are violent harassers of his field crops, his plantations, stealing his agricultural equipment, and there is hardly any police. How will the traveler vote on the southern roads for fear of encountering and being run over by Bedouins who are rampaging on the roads and endangering lives.

How will a business owner vote when members of criminal organizations threaten to blow up his factory or shop if he does not pay sponsorship fees. And there is hardly any police. What does the voter want from his next government so that the citizen can lead his life in peace and without threats.

Security at the country’s borders. On the southern and northern fronts, Gaza and Lebanon, there has been (relative) silence for months. A certain deterrence was achieved against Hamas and Hezbollah and a summer passed without burnt fields and without paying Hamas millions in suitcases.

The voter’s ballot will determine how the next government will behave in the Gaza Strip and the Lebanese border in the face of the terrorist organizations. Whether military operations, maintaining full and expensive alertness, granting work permits in Israel to residents of the Gaza Strip, efforts to eliminate terrorist leaders or the continuation of the existing situation.

In the north, facing Lebanon, an opening has opened towards a change in the conflict between Israel and Lebanon. An enemy country, but a gas agreement was signed with its representatives. An economic-commercial-financial agreement, but definitely containing political hints for the future of Israel-Lebanon relations. A small victory over Nasrallah.

Can the voter put a note in favor of a government that he believes will work to expand the normalization of Israel’s relations with neighboring Arab countries, a continuation of the Abraham Accords, more Arab countries that will make peace with Israel. It’s not imaginary.

Security in the face of threats
The nuclear threat and the threat of Iranian terrorism is alive and well. What will the voter want from his government – is a new nuclear agreement between the West and Iran good for Israel? What will remove the threat of the centrifuges in the underground nuclear facilities in Iran – an agreement or no agreement. There is a face and here, expert opinions and all kinds of futures have been heard, and you the voter will decide which government you think will act appropriately in the face of threats of annihilation.

world security. Before our eyes, in the 21st century, a UN member state invades the territory of a neighboring UN member state, conducts a war of attrition against it, bombs, kills and destroys, fails in its military moves, encounters military resistance from a brave people, and makes threats with nuclear weapons.

The voter at the ballot box in Israel will not influence Putin’s exploits, but will be able to express an opinion on how he thinks the Israeli government should behave vis-à-vis Ukraine. Should we provide it with offensive weapons, the GNA systems, or only defensive weapons, a Red Army system or technological know-how. There is a dilemma for the citizen here – in his opinion, should his government conduct a policy based on interests and realpolitik (relations with Russia) or a policy based on moral-value considerations .

Relations with the USA
Given the nature of the ‘neighborhood’ in which the State of Israel is located in the Middle East and the situation in Europe today, it is recommended that the voter at the ballot box choose a government composition that he believes will do everything to maintain and improve Israel’s ties with the United States of America as well as with the countries of Europe and the West.

The US and NATO armies did not cross the border into Ukraine, but in the presence of Putin, a significant military aid mechanism was formed. Perhaps the leaders of the West today better understand the meaning of the threat of global state terrorism, especially when in these very days Iran’s joining the Russian axis of evil in Ukraine was revealed in the form of Shahad-136.

A difficult task rests on the shoulders of every voter at the ballot box in this week’s elections when he comes to determine the figure of the government that he believes will best protect his personal and national security. The dilemmas are many. The main thing is that he comes to cast his vote and chooses a team of talented people with clean hands and straight paths.

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