Minister of Transportation Michaeli at a rally in memory of Yitzhak Rabin in Zion Square: “Ben Gvir who handed out Rabin’s poster in SS uniform disguised as a teddy bear cares for me”

by time news

A rally in memory of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin who was assassinated on November 4, 1995 at the end of the rally in support of the peace agreements. It was held last night (Saturday night) in Zion Square in Jerusalem, where on October 5, 1995 a demonstration was held with the participation of the leaders of the right-wing parties and called for the continuation of the occupation of the Palestinian territories, Cancel the Oslo Accords signed with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and overthrow the rule of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. This demonstration was especially known for the photo of Rabin in SS uniform being carried before the eyes of the Likud leadership standing on the balcony of the hotel in the square. The speeches were given by: the keynote speaker and opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and Moshe Katsav. Benny Begin, Dan Meridor and David Levy leave the demonstration following the chants to hurt Rabin. Apart from Netanyahu, Sharon and Katsaf – they were flanked by Rehavam Zaevi and Rabbi Haim Druckman. At the end of the demonstration, several hundred of the protesters marched from the square to the Knesset, where they tried to break into the Knesset square and damaged the cars of government ministers.

Photography: Raanan Cohen

On the same balcony in the square stood Labor Chairman Rav Michaeli and former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Justice Tzipi Livni last night. The rally was attended by about a thousand people. The rally was also attended by activists from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood who are fighting against attempts to “Jew” the neighborhood. As soon as Michaeli went up to speak, activists began Fruit of Grozlem’ in their protest and to shout that the government of change is continuing the occupation and that there is no sanctity in an occupied city. A group of right-wing activists who came to protest against the rally stood in front of them. Meanwhile, the people of the rally tried to silence the protestors and shouted at them that they would cause the success of MK Ben Gabir And this is not the right place to express their position. About 1000 people participated in the rally.

Tzipi Livni at the rally (Photo: Raanan Cohen)

Among other things, Michaeli said: “Three days before the murder, a month after the horrific demonstration in this square, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, the victorious Chief of Staff of the Six Day War, the liberator of Jerusalem, the Minister of Security twice, the prime minister who gave the order for the Entebbe operation – and the true courage of the operation Entebbe is Rabin’s decision to make it. A great and brave Israeli leader who led Israel to great achievements and peace – is called here by the crowd – a traitor. Here they shouted death to Rabin. With blood and fire, Rabin was expelled. Here, this is what Rina Mishleh told me this morning, who then covered the event, here Itamar Ben Gabir handed out Rabin’s poster in SS uniforms. The same Itamar Ben Gabir who now disguises himself as a teddy bear I care about and is also trying to hide and rewrite history.” Minister Michaeli also said “This is where the thing happened that a Jew is killing a Jew. The same thing we see when Jewish settlers inflict severe blows on IDF soldiers and a 70-year-old woman.
On this balcony, above these chants, stood the chairman of the Likud who organized the demonstration. Other members of the Likud at the time, who were also opposed to the Oslo Accords – Benny Begin, David Levy and Dan Meridor – left the balcony. They were not ready to be part of that terrible incitement. But not the Likud chairman. He stood over her smiling and full of pleasure, satisfied with his great success. From this square came the decree. This is where the curse came from. Here the terrible rift within us was torn. Here it happened that a Jew kills a Jew. The same thing we see when Jewish settlers inflict severe blows on IDF soldiers and a 70-year-old woman. From this square came the decree. We came here, to this square, tonight to cancel the decree and the curse that we live and live with for so many years. We have come to say out loud – violence is eroding the foundation of Israeli democracy. She must be condemned, denounced, isolated. This is not the way of the State of Israel.”
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Justice Tzipi Livni also spoke at the rally and said: “In the past I negotiated peace with the hope in my heart that we could complete what Yitzhak Rabin started and for which he was murdered – peace for the people of Israel in Jerusalem in the Knesset Law and Justice Constitution Committee. We worked to enact a constitution for Israel, we fought for the Knesset The word ‘equality’ for the basic laws of the State of Israel is exactly as it is written in the Declaration of Independence. In Jerusalem, in the Supreme Court, I argued in the High Court knowing that the decision would be made without fear and without bias.”

Photo: Tzipi Menashe
Photo: Tzipi Menashe
Photo: Tzipi Menashe
Photo: Tzipi Menashe

“In all these places in Jerusalem, the decisions were made in favor of the State of Israel without personal interest, not without mistakes, but with judgment and purity of mind – this is how Rabin acted when he signed the peace agreement,” Livni said, “years ago there was someone here who thought it was permissible to assassinate a prime minister because he wanted to bring peace To his people. I was at Rabin’s rally on the tenth anniversary of the assassination as Minister of Justice on behalf of the Likud and I said that he was also my prime minister. I was at the rally as co-chairman of the Zionist camp and I am here with you tonight as a citizen of the State of Israel three days before elections.”
“When Marev called to invite me, I didn’t hesitate for a moment because we have an obligation to protect our country, otherwise we might wake up to a country where the Ombudsman and the judges of the courts and the media work for an unrestrained regime that believes it is above the law,” she added, “We might find a defense minister who gives approval to more settlements and outposts so that we can never say goodbye to millions of Palestinians. And we may see ministers who, instead of calming the area, will blow it up in the name of nationalistic messianism.” Livni added: “We are Israeli citizens who are proud to be part of the free world. A startup country with the strongest army that will protect itself and its citizens and also reach out for peace and complete the mission that was interrupted with three bullets. There is one lesson from Rabin’s assassination that crossed all camps at the time: reality changes at the ballot box. This is exactly what we will do in three days. Don’t say one note doesn’t change reality because there are many of us and this is the note that will allow us to look in the mirror and look at our children wholeheartedly.” Livni, “If you see and are ashamed of the violence of the youth of the hills and get punched in the stomach when the violence is directed against IDF soldiers, if you do not want Israel to become a mixed Israeli-Palestinian state and violence will be within us, and if you want the Declaration of Independence to remain the basis on which the State of Israel was built, come vote “.

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