What if Bolsonaro won the presidential election?

by time news

After months of a particularly tense electoral campaign marked by invectives and violent slippages, it is a Brazil more divided than ever that is called upon to elect its new president on Sunday, October 30. Given a large loser in the first round of October 2 against the former head of state Lula (2003-2010), the outgoing president, Jair Bolsonaro, of the far right, finally won 43.2% of the votes cast, against 48.4% for its rival.

Since then, the polls have given the two men neck and neck, even if Lula remains the favorite: last week, the Datafolha institute thus credited the current agent with 48% of “valid” voting intentions – which exclude blank votes and draws – against 52% for his opponent, a gap which widened very slightly in the opinion poll published Thursday, October 27 – 53% for Lula against 47% for Jair Bolsonaro.

“A series of missteps” by Lula

But the polls “can be wrong”recalls an editorial ofThe globe, which raises the possibility of a “fatal slip in the home stretch” for Lula.


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