At the end of 56 years in “Esem” company, Dan Proper announced his decision to retire from his position as chairman of “Esem”.

by time news

Dan Prof. Yor Assem Ha’Hamov – Photo: Courtesy of “Assem”

At the end of 56 years in the “Barn” company, Dan Proper announced his decision to retire from his position as chairman of “Esem”.

Dan Proper (81) announced his decision to retire from his position as chairman of Asem at the end of this year and at the end of 56 years with the company. Proper joined the company in 1966 after completing engineering studies at the Technion and about two years later was appointed to manage the company’s first plant in Bnei Brak. Since then, for For over 5 decades, he served in a number of key positions in the company, of which 25 years as CEO and in the last 17 years he served as the company’s chairman.

On the basis of the factory in Bnei Brak, which was established by the 7 founders of the company, including his father, the late Eugene Proper, Dan Proper led the development and construction of a company that encompasses the story of the entire country and made a significant contribution to the export and representation of Israeli industry around the world. The moves promoted by Proper led to the expansion Development areas and increasing sources of employment in the periphery, including the establishment of 7 factories, dozens of innovative production lines, as well as logistics and distribution centers. These moves express groundbreaking Israeli entrepreneurship, and led the company to the production and export of thousands of different products that are found and sold in every home in Israel.

In 1992 Proper led the company’s IPO on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange and was the one who initiated and created the relationship with the global food giant Nestlé, and later even managed the contacts that led to the merger of Asem into Nestlé in 2016.

During all the years of his work at Asem, Proper engaged in public activities, and among other things he served as the president of the Association of Manufacturers for 6 years, the chairman of the advisory council of the Bank of Israel for 3 years, and the chairman of the coordination bureau of the economic organizations. In 1990 Proper was chosen to receive the Industry Award and in 1999 he was awarded an honorary doctorate degree by the Technion for his contribution to the Israeli economy and industry. In 2006 he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Histadrut and in 2003 he received an MBE degree from Queen Elizabeth II for his contribution to strengthening Israel-UK economic relations. Profer was elected to the board of trustees of the Technion, Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University of the Negev and also serves as a member of various boards of directors.

Dan Prof. Yor Assem Ha’Hamov – Photo: Courtesy of “Assem”

Dan Proper: “On the 80th anniversary of Asem, and at the end of 56 years in which I had the privilege of holding a series of key positions in the company, I am ending my duties as the company’s chairman. It was not an easy decision for me and I can safely say that I can get out of Asem, but Asem can never be taken out of me. My entire graduate life was shaped by my work in the company, as well as by the people with whom I had the privilege of working – both employees and managers. I am connected to the company in the veins of my heart and am proud of the important moves that led to the creation of a magnificent Israeli food empire. I thank the management of the company headed by Avi Ben Esayeg, the employees and of course the Nestlé people, who have been wonderful partners all along and are an integral part of my exciting journey in the barn.”

Avi Ben Esayeg, CEO of the “Esem-Nestle” group, congratulated Profer and noted: “With his hard work and vision, Dan charted the way for Essm’s transformation from a small company to a leading food concern in Israel, as well as establishing it as a significant company in Nestlé, the largest food company in the world. Dan is a pillar of society and Israeli industry, worked to expand and establish factories in the periphery, served as president of the Manufacturers’ Association and made a significant contribution For the construction and development of the industry, the economy and the country. Dan is a leader, teacher and guide of many workers and managers in the barn, of management members for generations, the various CEOs and myself personally. Over the years, we acted in the light of his vision and benefited from his many insights, his unique life wisdom and experience. I want to thank him personally and on behalf of thousands of barn workers for the huge factory he built and leaves to future generations.”

Marco Stemberi, CEO of Nestlé’s European region, warmly thanked Dan Proper for his extraordinary work: “Dan Propper’s 56-year career at Nestlé Barn deserves recognition and admiration. Dan’s exceptional professionalism and leadership, unparalleled business acumen and long-term strategic vision built the foundations of Nestlé Barn as we know it today. On behalf of Nestlé management and the entire European region, I I want to express my deep gratitude to Dan for his extraordinary contribution, enormous commitment and dedication to Nestlé Barn and its people for more than half a century.”

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