Presidential election in Brazil: 156 million Brazilians called to the polls

by time news

LWill ula make a comeback at 77? Can Bolsonaro win? Refuse defeat? More than 156 million Brazilians are called to elect their president on Sunday, October 30 in a ballot with an uncertain outcome, after a very tense campaign where Brazil is more than ever cut in two. In this ultra-polarized climate, social networks carried torrents of misinformation and the candidates insulted each other copiously in front of tens of millions of viewers.

Brazilians often in a hurry “let’s get it over with” go to the polls this Sunday from 8 a.m. (1 p.m. in Paris) in the country of continental dimensions. If the polls have been predicting for months a 3e four-year mandate to the left-wing ex-head of state Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), the far-right outgoing president Jair Bolsonaro, 67, can still believe it after his unexpected score in the first round of October 2: 43% against 48% in Lula.

Bolsonaro, to whom the polls had given a dozen points behind, benefited from a dynamic between the two rounds, when the left seemed a little stunned. Published on Saturday evening, the final Datafolha poll can give Bolsonaro additional reason to hope: the gap is closing, with Lula winning 52%/48%. The margin of error is +/- 2 points and opinion polls have already been wrong.

READ ALSOLula-Bolsonaro: guerre sainte à Rio

Both candidates voted

Incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro, saying he is sure of his victory, was among the first of 152 million voters to cast their ballots on Sunday. “God willing, we’re going to win tonight,” Jair Bolsonaro said after casting his vote shortly after offices opened in Rio de Janeiro. “Or better yet, Brazil will be victorious tonight,” added the far-right president, smiling and wearing a yellow and green T-shirt in the colors of the Brazilian flag beloved by Bolsonarians.

The left-wing icon Lula, presidential favorite, voted shortly after near São Paulo, expressing his “confidence […] in a victory for democracy. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva hoped that this election in which he faces outgoing far-right president Jair Bolsonaro will “restore peace between Brazilians”, at the end of an ultra-polarized campaign.

The fear of an assault on the Capitole bis

“It’s much tighter than anyone would have thought,” Brian Winter, editor-in-chief of Agence France-Presse, told Agence France-Presse. Americas Quarterly, “It’s going to be a confusing election.” Will Bolsonaro accept the result on Sunday night if Lula is elected? This is the big question. After muting his relentless attacks on the “fraudulent” electronic ballot box system, he recently denounced alleged irregularities in the broadcast of his campaign’s radio spots. On Friday, he claimed that “the one with the most votes wins” without convincing.

READ ALSOBrazil: how Bolsonaro artificially inflated growth

“Bolsonaro will question the result,” said Rogerio Dultra dos Santos, of the Federal University of Fluminense. Many fear a Brazilian replica of the assault on Capitol Hill after the defeat of Donald Trump which could target, for example, the Supreme Court so often vilified by Bolsonaro. The ex-captain can count on “the support of his most radicalized voters […] and cause trouble”, according to the analyst, who however does not see the armed forces embarking on a golpist adventure and underlines that the democratic institutions are solid.

READ ALSOLula-Bolsonaro: moment of truth for Brazil

Trump, precisely, called on Brazilians to re-elect Bolsonaro, “a great guy”, and especially not “Lulu (sic), this crackpot from the radical left”. But the former metalworker with an extraordinary destiny hoped that Bolsonaro “will have a moment of wisdom” and will call him if he wins “to recognize the result”. The campaign, however, was anything but “wise”. Bolsonaro insulted Lula: “thief”, “ex-prisoner”, “alcoholic” or “national disgrace”. The latter returned the blows: “pedophile”, “cannibal”, “genocidal” or “little dictator”.

32 million abstainers at the heart of the result

Accusing each other of lying, Bolsonaro and, to a lesser extent Lula, fueled the disinformation machine, which worked like never before in Brazil. Social networks, the only source of information for the majority of the 170 million Brazilian users, have conveyed an unprecedented mass of false information. With this dirty campaign, the real concerns of the population have been neglected: inflation, unemployment, poverty or hunger, from which 33 million Brazilians suffer.

READ ALSOPresidential in Brazil: Lula and Bolsonaro in a boxing ring

The major challenge between the two rounds was the hunt for the 32 million abstainers from 1is tower (21%). By comparison, Lula got a six million vote lead on October 2. Lula wants to protect democracy and make “Brazil happy” again, after two terms in which he lifted nearly 30 million Brazilians out of poverty, but where the economy was booming.

Populist Bolsonaro wants to defend “good against evil”, family, God, homeland and individual freedom. Despite a mandate enamelled by serious crises, including that of the Covid, he retains a base of irreducible supporters and has been able to impose his political line in the face of a barely audible left and a traditional right which has foundered.

Popular circles with Lula, business circles with Bolsonaro

If elected, Lula, a key figure in Brazilian politics for four decades, will make a spectacular comeback after experiencing disgrace in prison (2018-2019) and then the cancellation of his convictions for corruption. He is the favorite of women, the poor, Catholics and the rural Northeast. But the men, the upper classes, the pro-arms, the business community and the evangelicals overwhelmingly vote Bolsonaro.

The next tenant of the Planalto Palace in Brasilia will have to deal with a Parliament even more to the right than before the legislative elections of October 2: Bolsonaro’s Liberal Party (PL) is represented in force. The polling stations must close at 5 p.m. (10 p.m. in Paris) and the result be announced before 8 p.m. (1 hour in Paris).

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