After the start of gas production from the Harish rig: Yair Lapid conducted a security tour of the rig

by time news

Prime Minister Yair Lapid today (Sunday) conducted a security tour of the Harish rig, against the background of the start of gas production from the rig.

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First, the Prime Minister received an overview from the CEO of Energian Israel Shaul Zemach about the gas production process that began last week. Later, he visited the control room, talked with the Israeli company employees and went up to an observation point on the rig and the area.

On behalf of Lapid, it was stated: “In this place lies the energy and economic future of the State of Israel. The production of gas from the Harish rig will lower energy prices in Israel, will make the State of Israel a regional energy supplier and will help Europe deal with the energy crisis. This is where the gas comes from that will ensure a reduction in the cost of living. This A great achievement for the State of Israel.”

Energian, which owns the concession to produce natural gas from the Harish and Tanin reservoirs, has begun producing gas and supplying it to customers. The natural gas from the Harish reservoir provides electricity to customers in Israel starting last weekend. Following the production of gas, a decrease in energy prices is expected, and Israel will increase its natural gas exports, thus helping Europe deal with the energy crisis on the continent.

The visit was accompanied by the Director General of the Prime Minister’s Office Naama Shultz, the Head of the National Assembly Dr. Eil Hulta, the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alon Oshfiz, the Military Secretary to the Prime Minister General Avi Gil, the CEO of Energian Israel Shaul Tsemach and officials more

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