Arranged parking for scooters in Petah Tikva » Petah Tikvai

by time news

In the first phase, dozens of parking signs will be marked in the neighborhoods Hadar the colonies and the business center Kiryat Aryehwhere the markings were approved by the accessibility consultant and the traffic committee and it was also found that there is extensive use of cooperative electric scooters in these areas.

In these neighborhoods, every half kilometer a parking space will be marked on the sidewalk and only there will the rider be able to finish his journey. If he does not park in the parking lot, he will not be able to close the account activation and the collection will continue. The parking complexes will suit all the electric scooter companies operating in the city, and later the pilot will be expanded to other neighborhoods.

Mayor Rami Greenberg “The electric scooters are an efficient and convenient means of transportation as long as they are driven sensibly and responsibly. Unfortunately, we encounter riders who do not adhere to the traffic rules and safety rules, ride wildly and without a helmet and this is very dangerous and serious. In addition, the riders finish the ride and leave the The scooter on the side of the road when there is sometimes cash, it disturbs passers-by and pedestrians. We have now decided to mark parking spaces as is customary in other cities in Israel and the world, thereby maintaining good order and the public space. I urge the riding public to drive carefully and responsibly and adhere to the riding and parking rules.”

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