Partner and Golan are raising prices: the price increases are coming to cellular phones

by time news

Mobile browsing prices (photo by shutterstock)

The communication companies Partner and Golan Telecom have informed their customers in recent days of significant price increases at rates of tens of percent. It’s not about the price of the packages offered today, but more about aligning the line for customers who have so far paid low prices thanks to extremely low prices offered by the companies on certain packages in the past.

Thus, Partner informed customers of triple packages that include home internet, landline phone and the Partner TV television service, that starting this December they will pay the current price of the package – NIS 169 per month on the Bezeq/Hot infrastructure or NIS 159 per month on the Partner Fiber infrastructure for the package without Netflix , and NIS 195 or NIS 205 for the package that also includes the HD channel of Netflix – even if you joined it during the periods when it was offered at a price dozens of percent lower.

We note that customers who join as part of promotions regularly receive a contract stating that the company may update the prices at any moment provided that it informs them of this before the change takes effect and allows them an opportunity to leave before the price change. So far, Partner has chosen not to update the price for old triple customers while the prices for new customers have gradually increased. Now, it chooses to dump on the old customers all the price increases for new customers with a sharp and painful blow of an ax.

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The company itself told the ice website that “the update of the rates applies only to some customers, who remain at historical sale prices. Even after the update, the prices will be compared to the sales prices currently offered at Partner, which are attractive in relation to market prices.”

At the same time, Golan Telecom, which is currently Cellcom’s discounted brand, informed customers who joined it at Israel Post branches with a NIS 16 per month option that as of November 15, it will increase its price by almost half, to NIS 23.90 per month. Strangely, in this case only old customers will pay the higher price, while new customers (or those who cancel the package and return to it at a one-time SIM price – a step that may pay off for those who intend to stay there for a long time) continue to enjoy the lower price at the post offices.

Golan Telecom told the ice website that it “continues to offer the most affordable packages in the market. This is a rate update for owners of the cheapest packages, even after that the price is very affordable for the customer.”

In both cases, these are cheap programs that are generally in line with the prices accepted in the market today – but for those for whom every shekel is important, this is a painful blow.

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