End of life, the draw for the 150 citizens of the convention is launched

by time news

The installation of the Citizens’ Convention on the end of life, announced by President Emmanuel Macron on September 13, is entering a crucial stage with the launch of the draw, on Tuesday October 25, of the some 150 citizens called upon to participate in the debate.

The Economic, Social and Environmental Council responsible for organizing the convention has entrusted the operation to Harris Interactive. The institute for studies and surveys has experience in this area since it had already been chosen to draw lots for the 150 citizens of the Climate Convention which was held from October 2019 to June 2020. .

The methodology is therefore proven: lists of telephone numbers are first generated randomly from the databases of mobile operators (for 85% of numbers), or those of Orange for fixed lines (the remaining 15%). Harris interactive agents can then make calls that will identify the volunteers.

“The process is long because after the person contacted has agreed in principle, they have to be called back three or four times to clearly explain what they are committing to”, we specify to the governance committee (Co-gouv) responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the agreement.

Six selected recruitment criteria

Especially since the final panel will have to respect strict weighting rules to represent French diversity. Six recruitment criteria were thus selected: gender, with 52% women and 48% men; age, with representation proportional to the age pyramid from the age of 18; the distribution according to territories (urban centres, outer suburbs, rurality); the region of origin, taking into account the demographic weight of each; level of diploma and socio-professional category.

“Special attention will be paid to the most precarious public and to overseas whose recruitment may prove more difficult”, we specify to the Co-govt. “This diversity of profiles and stories is essential to the democratic debate that is opening up. It is this that will allow the richness of the deliberations and that each point of view is heard”, adds Claire Thoury, its president.

Small subtlety of the case: the “Convention of 150” will actually have some 170 citizens. “This avoids having to compile a list of replacements in case some leave the process along the way”, explained, there is little, Claire Thoury in the columns of The cross. Even in the event of abandonment, there will therefore be at least 150 citizens mobilized until the end of the work, scheduled for March 19, 2023. Date on which they will have to submit their recommendations to the government in response to the question: “Is the end-of-life support framework adapted to the different situations encountered or should any changes be introduced? »

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