Election of Lula: “A new page in the history of Brazil”, greet foreign heads of state

by time news

“A new page in the history of Brazil”. Sunday’s victory of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva over outgoing far-right President Jair Bolsonaro provoked a flurry of reactions among foreign heads of state, all unanimously welcoming the return of this key figure in Brazil to the result of an ultra-polarized campaign. In Europe, Emmanuel Macron was one of the first to welcome the election results, evoking a “new page in history” for the country.

“Together, we will join forces to meet the many common challenges and renew the bond of friendship between our two countries,” he promised in a tweet sent a few minutes after the announcement of the final results. The ties between the French president and the former Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro had been particularly tense, in particular in 2019, when the tenant of the Élysée had accused the former far-right leader of having “lied” on its environmental commitments.

Lula’s victory also seems to bring about a form of relief within the European Union. The head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell congratulated the ex-metalworker, saying he was “impatient” to work with his government to “advance relations between the EU and Brazil”. Also in Spain, President Pedro Sanchez sees in Lula’s victory, “the wager of progress and hope”. Again in the United Kingdom, British Prime Minister Rishni Sunak expressed his “eagerness” to work with the new president-elect.

The return of a “priority”, “the protection of the environment”

On the other side of the Atlantic, Democrat Joe Biden in turn addressed his “congratulations” to the new president-elect, welcoming “free, fair and credible elections”. The same enthusiasm in Canada, where Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed his “eagerness to work with Lula” to “strengthen the partnership between [les] countries and (…) to advance our common priorities – such as environmental protection”.

Further congratulations came from newly elected leftist presidents in Latin America. Among them, Gustavo Petro in Colombia, who hastened to tweet a “Viva Lula”, even before the publication of the latest results. Chilean President Gabriel Boric in turn welcomed the return of this left-wing figure, writing “Lula. Joy” on the same social network.

“A new era in the history of Latin America”

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro congratulated Lula, judging that “democracy has [vait] triumphed”. “Your victory opens a new era in the history of Latin America. A time of hope and a future that begins today”, added the President of Argentina Alberto Fernandez. In Ecuador, leader Guillermo Lasso already sees the promise of “better days for [les] citizens “. “Our region continues to integrate into plurality,” he said.

Finally, Russian President Vladimir Putin joined the concert of praise, congratulating Lula on Monday, and ensuring to develop with him “a constructive cooperation”, indicated the Kremlin. “Please accept my sincere congratulations,” he said, hoping to see the “development of constructive Russian-Brazilian cooperation in all areas.”

Russia has been trying for several years to deepen its relations with the countries of Latin America, in particular Brazil, which, like it, is one of the so-called Brics nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).

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