Marvin Vettori: “I wanted to become a fighter since I was a child”. That “boza de vin” to greet the friends of Mezzocorona – Sport

by time news

MILANO. The greeting in Anglo-Trentino with an appointment to drink a “boza de vin” with the friends of Mezzocorona, launched to his supporters directly from the Las Vegas ring, was broadcast this morning on Radio Deejay during an exclusive interview with Marvin Vectors, champion of MMA, the mixed martial arts movement.

They call it “The Italian dream” and Marvin explained the reason: “I wanted to give the sense of who started from scratch”. The wrestler lives between Los Angeles and San Diego, an area “full of traffic,” Vettori said while chatting with Linus e Nicola Savino, which stimulated him with many questions and curiosities during the program Deejay Call Italy. The discipline of MMA is more famous in America than in Italy and has its pulsating center in Las Vegas. “I got there because of the passion I had as a child: I’ve always liked combat and contact sports and as a kid it also happened on the street that I didn’t pull back in some particular situation. But I was enthralled watching the videos at 14-15. For a while my mum used to put her hands in her hair … “.

Marvin is not a Trentino name, he was reminded: it was his mother who chose him “because when he heard it he liked it a lot”, explained the “fighter”, who said he had two brothers and one little sister and a dad who did yoseikan budo and took him to the gym from an early age.

A particularly violent sport, MMA, where, however, there is also a part of theatricality: “You can hit yourself in any part of the blow with protection only for the teeth and“ lower parts ”. Respect between wrestlers? There is, but this is a discipline where things sometimes become more real than they seem “. The “dramas” before the match are part of the game. “What if someone made me angry? During the match there is no time: you have to stay focused ”. The most painful blows? “To the liver. The art of combat is the art of paradox: if you are tired you have to show yourself full of energy ”.

Out of breath is a typical characteristic of wrestlers in the ring: “Yes, cardio is very important. In the summer I did the Stelvio in an hour and 50 without putting my feet off the bike, ”said Marvin.

The night before the match? “You never sleep: you are always afraid of not getting into the weight”.

The physical consequences are not lacking: “Knee and shoulder injuries are the worst,” explained Vettori. “But after the last match my arms hurt because I blocked so many kicks.”

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