The family of the Italian student who committed suicide in New York sues the school

by time news – The lawyer for the family of Claudio Mandia, the Italian boy who committed suicide on February 17 this year in a New York academy, has announced the initiation of a civil lawsuit against the school. The complaint will be filed tomorrow in the Supreme Court of Westchester County, New York.

“Claudio – explained the lawyer George Bochetto – was 17 when he took his own life after being placed in solitary confinement for four days, accused of having copied his math test”. The lawyer called himself “shocked” after learning about the circumstances that led to a “horrible and absurd tragedy”.

The family accuses the Ef Academy of Thornwood, an international elite institute, of having treated the boy in an “inhumane way”, confined in solitary confinement, waiting to be expelled, without psychological assistance, despite Claudio had shown problems of acclimatization.

I comrades had noticed signs of wounds on the boy’s neckindicators of possible suicide attempts, and had reported the matter to management, but no one had intervened.

The parents, Mauro Mandia and Elisabetta Benesatto, were informed of their son’s death only upon their arrival at the Jfk airport in New York, where they had landed to visit Claudio and celebrate his birthday with him.

Under accusation, among others, the director of the institute, Vladimir Kuskovski, the principal Wayne Walton and the psychologist Chelsea Lovece, who knew the problems of psychological frailty and acclimatization of the boy.

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