Ukraine-Russia, Putin: “Partial mobilization is complete”

by time news

The Russian president Vladimir Putin called the partial mobilization that he had decided to increase the personnel to be sent to fight in Ukraine “ completed ”. Quoted by the Ria Novosti news agency, Putin said he will discuss with lawyers the need or not to issue a decree declaring the mobilization completed. Meanwhile, Russia’s position on the negotiations with Ukraine will not change and Moscow’s goodwill is unchanged: “We will wait, perhaps some necessary conditions will mature, and our goodwill is known, it is not subject to any change and doubt”, Putin said.

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Russia, added President Putin, has not decided to definitively exit the wheat export agreement reached on July 22 in Istanbul, explains the Ria Novosti news agency. ” Russia has made a grain agreement to help the poorest countries, but 35 percent of those grains go to EU countries and only 3-5 percent to those who really need it, ” he said. Putin explained.

The Russian giant Gazprom, added the Russian president, has been granted authorization to examine the places where the explosions that hit the Nord Stream gas pipelines in the Black Sea occurred. Russia had previously contested the lack of involvement in the investigation about the explosions.

On the gas front, Putin continued, a hub in Turkey can be built ” quite quickly ”. “I’m sure gas contracts will be signed, there are many in Europe who will want it,” he added.

“There are always gas buyers. This product is in great demand around the world. It is the most environmentally friendly hydrogen and an ideal primary energy source for the transition period to green energy,” Putin said at a press conference at followed by a trilateral meeting with the Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Sochi. “I know there are many consumers. And there are also many who want to buy Russian gas,” he added.

Meanwhile, Yerevan and Baku have not yet signed any peace agreement, the Russian president said, explaining that the text of the peace agreement is being studied by the parties to try to reach compromises. “The peace treaty does not yet exist and it is still premature to talk about the main components of this document since basically this is the subject of compromises,” Putin said. The compromises, he added, quoted by Ria Novosti, “must be reached by both parties through mediation, if both parties so wish. ”

STOP TO PARTIAL MOBILIZATION – All operations relating to partial mobilization have therefore been completed, the Moscow Defense Ministry announced this morning. The reservists’ collection points will then be closed and the stations returned to their previous use, the ministry continues. Military officers entrusted with the task of managing partial mobilization operations will have to return to their usual duties, the note continues.

The Russian Defense Ministry then explained that ” the preparation and delivery of subpoenas are suspended ” for those who have evaded the general mobilization in what Moscow calls the ” special military operation ” in Ukraine. And he explains that “in the future, the work of military commissariats for the recruitment of the armed forces of the Russian Federation will be organized only by accepting volunteers and candidates for military service under the contract”.

” The stations and the alert centers, the collection points for the citizens of the military commissariats, as well as the buildings and structures used for partial mobilization measures, return to their previous purpose ”, the note continues. ” Furthermore, according to the instructions, starting from 31 October this year all the personnel of the military commissariats involved in the partial mobilization are ordered to return ”, so that they can return to ” carry out their duties as usual ”.

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