The armies’ CO2 emissions, a well-kept secret

by time news
Despite efforts, the US military, by far the biggest military budget on the planet, is also the biggest polluter, and by far. 341642311/Bumble Dee –

DECRYPTION – The impact of the defense sector does not appear in the reports of the IPCC, nor in the discussions of the COP.

CO emissions2 armies of all countries should be declared and accounted for, say British academics in a commentary article published by the scientific journal Nature Wednesday, November 2. Nobody knows exactly what the level of greenhouse gas emissions from the world’s armed forces is, they argue, noting that estimates vary between 1% and 5% of global emissions, an order of magnitude comparable to that of air transport, responsible for just over 2% of CO emissions2. “But the military are largely spared the obligation to declare their emissions”, explain the authors. Indeed, the impact of the defense sector does not appear in the reports of the IPCC, nor in the discussions of the COP (conference of countries under the aegis of the UN), the next of which will take place next week. in Egypt. An absence that dates back to American demands during the negotiations of the protocol of…

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