Ophthalmologist Names Ways To Protect Eyes When Working At A Computer | News | News

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Ilyana Kiseleva, an ophthalmologist of the highest category “CM-Clinic”, told Izvestia how to protect her eyes by spending a lot of time at the computer.

The specialist emphasized that during prolonged work at the monitor, a person may not notice how he starts to blink less often. Because of this, the eyes are overworked, tense and dry.

According to her, visual fatigue disrupts local blood circulation, tissues begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen. To compensate for the deficiency, the vessels dilate – this is manifested by reddening of the mucous membrane of the eyeball. Some small vessels can be damaged by stress and even burst. If you do not follow the general rules for using gadgets, this increases the risk of developing dry eye syndrome and the development of myopia, the doctor said.

First of all, Kiseleva recommended that when working with a computer, pay special attention to the workplace. According to her, visual discomfort can be associated with improper, insufficient lighting of the desktop. To avoid fatigue, you need to correctly configure the computer interface (correct font, colors, monitor brightness).

“Always take a break while working at the computer. And this does not mean that moving away from the monitor, you pick up a phone or tablet, or even any book, thus you continue to strain your eyes. Just step away from the computer to the window, admire the beautiful view on the street, ”said the ophthalmologist.

The eye muscle relaxes and rests exactly when a person looks into the distance, she added. Also, the doctor said that work at the monitor should not exceed 45 minutes and the next break on it for at least 15 minutes. The break moment can be supplemented with light visual exercises, which will help relieve fatigue, improve blood circulation and relax the muscle.

It is also necessary to observe the drinking regime, as the water balance will help moisturize the eyes. It is also important to remember about nutrition.

“The visual system can only function properly if it is getting enough nutrients. Vitamins and minerals can be obtained from food or special dietary supplements (A, C, E, lutein, etc.). It is important to follow the daily routine. Sleep for 7-8 hours, no less. And going to bed should be no later than 23 hours. Daily walks in the fresh air reduce the risk of developing myopia in people who lead an active lifestyle, ”explained Kiseleva.

A consultant optometrist can help you select special computer glasses designed to eliminate monitor glare that can increase eye strain. The ophthalmologist, in turn, will prescribe suitable moisturizing drops.

In order to maintain vision, you also need to blink more often while sitting in front of the monitor, concluded Kiseleva.

Earlier, on September 15, Oleg Unguryanov, candidate of medical sciences, ophthalmologist-surgeon of the highest category, told when it is possible to do laser vision correction.

Indications for surgery are myopia (when a person sees well up close, but poorly in the distance), hyperopia (eye disease, in which, to a certain extent, we see well into the distance, but what happens in front of our own nose is blurry) and astigmatism (the essence of the disease is an uneven asymmetrical cornea, a person has a fuzzy picture and a bifurcation of objects in front of his eyes).

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