Overwatch 2 It’s Not Too Late Reveal the details of the award and how to get rewards in the Overwatch League 2022

by time news

Thursday, November 3, 2022, 19 o’clock 27 minutes 54 seconds, Indochina time

back when October 31 The grand finale of the year from the game Overwatch 2 has begun by list Overwatch League 2022 An epic race to compete against them all. 16 teams in each zone to win a total prize money 97 million baht

and with the flow of Overwatch 2 is coming back to boom again After announcing the launch at the beginning of October, many players came back to pay more attention. But I have to admit that because it’s a big race at the end of the year Whoever wants to win the championship in such a program. So they decided to take Heros with the highest efficiency and resulted in Comp Each team went out in almost the same way. Even though there are modifications DPS stay a little But overall, it’s not much different from the original. As a result, the competition is quite monotonous. which consists of

  • Sojourn / Tracer
  • Reaper
  • Winston / Orisa
  • It’s there
  • Lucio

But in the matter of competition is one thing. Because another equally interesting thing would be the story.” reward ” which will be obtained by watching the competition in the program Overwatch League 2022 which when viewed according to the number of hours that have been set It will allow you to receive various rewards or can visit more in this link.

  • League skins of various characters
  • super spray Exclusive
  • various icons
  • Name cards
  • Emote’s Lucio
  • marking 100 League Tokens for purchasing league skins in the shop.

for prizes in the round Playoffs that will start to distribute from October 31 – November 4 The competition will start every day. 04:30 of our home and there will be a re-run back in time 20:30 in order to collect additional hours by the prize in the round Playoffs will consist of

  • View all 3 hours will get the league skin of Tracer , Genji and Bastion including spray Grandfinals 1
  • View all 6 hours will get the league skin of Mercy , Mei and Hanzo including icon Zhulong
  • View all 9 hours will get the league skin of Ana , Brigitte and Zenyatta including icon Fighter
  • View all 12 hours will get the league skin of Wrecking Ball, D.VA and Ashe including icon Royal Knight
  • View all 15 hours will get the league skin of Cassidy Pharah and Echo including icon Oxygen
  • View all 18 hours will get the league skin of Roadhog , Baptiste and Sigma including icons Clockwork
  • View all 21 hours will get the league skin of Soldier: 76 , Orisa , Reinhardt and Sombra including icon OWL Turns 5
  • View all 24 hours will get the league skin of Symmetra , Torbjorn and Doomfist including the emotes of Lucio
  • View all 27 hours will get the league skin of Lucio , Reaper , Junkrat and Moira
  • View all 30 hours will get the league skin of Zarya, Windowmaker and Winston including 100 League Tokens

and in November 5 since 7 morning onwards will begin to compete in the round Grand Finals And the prizes given out will be different from the original. which consists of

  • View all 30 minutes to receive spray Grandfinals 2
  • View all 1 hours will get the league skin of Sojourn and received Name Card name Pulse Pistol
  • View all 2 hours will get the league skin of Junker Queen and It’s there

As for how to receive various rewards, it’s not difficult. The details are as follows.

  • go into Youtube in part Settings ( Settings )
  • go to topic Connected Accounts ( app linked )
  • make a link Battle.net with the id of Youtube
  • visit the channel Overwatch Leauge to save hours
    • Required to watch during the rerun time ( from the time 2 7pm onwards)
    • Or you can watch it live every day as well (from a.m. 4 onwards)
    • in the round Grand Finals will begin inNovember 5 since 7 morning onwards
    • in the round Grand Finals will be re-opened for viewing. November 6 from the time of 1 onwards

But for many people just to know the news. And have not watched before, may have to apologize as well Because the race is now coming to the final curve. But if you think about it, come and see it to study including receiving a few rewards It was nothing too bad. Finally, you have to join in the fun. Let’s cheer for which team will win the title. Overwatch League 2022 Successful, must continue to follow.

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