Demonstration of environmental activists in front of the Assembly: reminder to the law for nine people

by time news

Nine environmental activists, who blocked traffic on Wednesday in front of the National Assembly to demand that an additional 12 billion euros be kept in the budget for the thermal renovation of housing, have received or will receive a reminder of the law, the prosecution said. from Paris this Thursday.

Of the nine people placed in police custody on Wednesday for obstructing traffic or organizing an undeclared demonstration, five were referred for a reminder to the law by the prosecutor’s delegate and four others will be summoned later. Considered as the “first rung of the ladder of sanctions”, the reminder to the law corresponds to a warning for people who have committed a minor offence.

A citizen contribution for the benefit of Paris Aid to victims

Among the nine people, five are also banned from appearing in Paris for six months and five will also have to pay a citizen’s contribution of 300 euros to the Paris Aid to Victims association.

On Wednesday, around twenty environmental activists, supported by EELV and LFI deputies, blocked traffic for a few hours in front of the National Assembly to demand that an additional 12 billion euros be kept in the budget for the thermal renovation of housing, voted on Monday against the opinion of the government.

Dressed in orange vests and surrounded by a large police force, the activists of the “Last renovation” collective sat down in front of the Palais Bourbon at midday demanding that these amendments be maintained. Some even stuck their hands on the bitumen with glue on the quay of the Seine.

“Civil Resistance”

But Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne put an end to their hopes by committing at the end of the day on 49.3 to have the entire draft 2023 state budget adopted at first reading without a vote. She explained that she would not take up the EELV and PS amendments on the subject: “We cannot multiply thermal renovation work by seven overnight,” she said.

To express its opposition to this new recourse to article 49.3, the collective partially takes up a phrase of Agnès Agnès Pannier-Runacher, the Minister for Energy Transition (“We must live up to history and get out of fossil fuels”). “After the experience of the Citizen’s Convention for the Climate, the double condemnation of the French State by its courts, the report of the Court of Auditors… now the democratic short-circuiting by 49.3. What other choice do we have than to enter into civil resistance? asks Last renovation.

The collective has already carried out several actions of “disobedience” before these last days, at the Roland-Garros tennis tournament then by interrupting the Tour de France cyclist and by blocking the Paris ring road. Six activists will be judged on November 22 in Auch (Gers) on the count of “obstructing the circulation of vehicles” on the Tour de France.

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