Hebrew News – opens all the cards: this is Drake’s surprising addiction

by time news

Opening all the cards: This is Drake’s surprising addiction

The rapper and singer revealed for the first time that he is addicted to porn and in the past he even used to go out with four to five women at the same time. “I plead guilty, I watch porn every day,” he said this week in a personal interview as part of Howard Stern’s talk show

The 36-year-old rapper Drake decided to put all the cards on the table and spoke for the first time about his addiction to porn. “I watch porn regularly and on a daily basis. I usually see the videos listed on the main page. “Whatever has the highest rating,” he explained.

Drake also talked about his love life and said that he hopes that a day will come when he can commit to one woman. ‘I hope I can. Definitely. I think eventually I’ll feel like I need something real. I hope it won’t be too late,” he said. He also revealed that in the past he used to go out with four and sometimes even five women at the same time.

Indeed, if we go back in time we find that Drake dated some of the biggest stars in the Hollywood swamp, including Kylie Jenner, Rita Ora, Serena Williams, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Blac Chyna, Amber Rose, and even Zoe Kravitz. In 2017, he became a father for the first time, after Sophie Brosseau, a French painter and former model, gave birth to his first son.

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