Health column: how to immunize the body in a natural way

by time news

Every person can strengthen the body the natural way by 4 main principles: proper nutrition, good sleep, physical activity and avoiding stress and anxiety situations. Naturopath Michal Tamam Cohen recommends and advises. New section

Published on: 4.11.22 08:48

Is it possible to immunize the body in a natural way?

Natural medicine and preventive medicine are included together in the “complementary medicine” category, which aims to prevent diseases, help the body deal with infections and improve the resistance of the immune system. Beyond that, there are many cases in which complementary medicine accompanies patients in curing diseases.

Preventive medicine is right for every person at any time, all the more so during periods of weather changes (come winter) when we are exposed to viruses, inflammations and allergies.

By following the principles of preventive medicine, we can help the body to immunize itself in a natural way, to better defend itself against winter diseases and symptoms such as: coughs, stomachaches, asthma, colds, muscle pains, and more.

Every person can immunize and strengthen the body in a natural way by 4 main principles: Proper nutrition, good sleep, physical activity and avoiding stress and anxiety situations.

Good nutrition. A menu based on foods rich in antioxidants that help the body deal with infections. Emphasis on a diet that builds the body, rich in vitamins that are found in fruits and vegetables and consuming food that will improve the body’s function and help it get rid of toxins. You should avoid a poor diet that includes the consumption of simple carbohydrates, sugars and processed food which just tires the body in its digestion process and does not nourish it at all. Complex carbohydrates, whole grains, buckwheat, oats and legumes should be consumed instead. In treatments in the field of naturopathy and Chinese medicine, we will offer patients to add nutritional supplements and/or certain herbs that strengthen the body and improve the resistance of the immune system: zinc Responsible for the health of the skin, hair and strengthening the immune system and is found in almonds and walnuts. A handful of pumpkin seeds is recommended for daily consumption. magnesium. Lack of magnesium is reflected in muscle contraction. Found in baby leaves, chard, root vegetables, banana.

calcium. Mainly found in dairy products, vegetables and fruits. The sensitive or those who prefer to avoid cow’s milk can also consume calcium from goat’s milk.

B group vitamins. Important in the proper functioning of the brain, heart and maintaining the nervous system. Found in whole grains, dairy products, vegetables and fruits mainly in banana, eggs and seeds.

Vitamin D. Essential for maintaining bones and helps prevent many diseases. People who work most of the day in the office or who are not exposed to the sun should consume as a supplement (in the appropriate dose on the recommendation of a professional).

sleep well. Try to imagine yourself after a “white night” whether you have returned from an event or the child did not sleep all night. In such a morning the body functions less well, the mind is less focused and the level of nerves is also higher than usual. Natural medicine defines this condition as a violation of the body’s natural balance, which weakens the immune system. Try to sleep 8 hours of quality and continuous sleep as much as possible.

Exercise. Many studies show that during physical activity of any kind, adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin are released, which contribute to a good mood and a sense of satisfaction, thus strengthening the function of the immune system in the fight against various infections. It is recommended to adapt the appropriate activity for yourself both in terms of health and from the preferred choice, to introduce it into the lifestyle on a regular basis at least twice a week for 40 minutes.

Avoiding stress, tension and anxiety. Stress is one of the most destructive conditions for the body, in that it increases sugar and blood pressure. As a result, when the body is stressed, the immune system weakens and thus it is exposed to pollutants and various viruses. Try to increase the happiness, calm and satisfaction meter in your life. Certain relaxation practices can be adopted such as: breathing, meditations and physical activity.

Michal Cohen Tamam (owner of a natural medicine clinic – “Michal for health” in Beer Ya’akov), has been a naturopath for 15 years, guides and accompanies healing processes, beyond a healthy lifestyle and advises parents on optimal family nutrition.

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