Vogel: “Deport MK Odeh? I am in favor of deporting anyone who works against the existence of the State of Israel”

by time news

Brigadier General (ret.) Zvika Fogel, from the list of the Religious Zionist Party for the 25th Knesset, referred today (Friday) to the party’s promises before the elections to grant full immunity to our forces during operational activities against terrorist operatives.

In a non-stop radio interview, Vogel said: “A wounded terrorist? I’m not going to shoot him when he’s on the floor, he’ll be tried and his sentence will be death. I’m not going to turn the army into murderers. I want to give the soldier the option to shoot a terrorist who’s holding a Molotov cocktail, even if he’s standing 30 A meter from him and he hasn’t thrown it away yet.”

“Expulsion of MK Odeh? I am in favor of deporting anyone who works against the existence of the State of Israel,” Fogel added. “Whether it is with a weapon or whether it is through the mouth – I hope we will take advantage of public trust to take democracy to a place where the majority really has something to say, let’s stop all the time just worrying about minorities.” .

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