With the departure of migrants, Italian employers are short of manpower

by time news

In the columns of The Republic, Laura Della Vecchia immediately sounded the alarm.

“In our province, businesses are having more and more difficulty finding workers, worries the president of the Confindustria section [équivalent italien du Medef] from the city of Vicenza. The immigrants who resided here are leaving. We must keep migratory flows under control, it is true, but these should be calibrated according to the requirements of companies.”

A thought shared by many other business leaders across the Boot, because the phenomenon described by Laura Della Vecchia affects the whole country. Many immigrants are leaving Italy, and this trend is not new, says researcher Enrico Di Pasquale to the Roman daily.

Direction France or the United Kingdom

“Since the 2011 crisis, immigrants have started to leave, and the phenomenon has increased with the pandemic. Those who had a job

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