“With free museums we risk impoverishing the value of our treasures”

by time news

Time.news – “Not charging for access to museums at all poses a problem of resources because we collect about 250 million euros a year, and then I believe that this can impoverish the value of our treasures “, said the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano in an interview with Tg1.

“Today – the minister recalled – we guarantee the museums are free for people up to 18 years of age and open on Sundays, once a month, free for all. I don’t understand – he added – why the great Californian billionaire who arrives with his $ 100 million yacht and the helicopter cannot pay for the ticket “.

With regard to the ‘Uffizi case’, the minister stressed that “the weekly closing of the museum had to be postponedso as not to find a great treasure chest of Italian culture blocked “.

“There are over 6 billion euros for culture: we have a duty to spend these resources quickly, efficiently and with great honesty”. She added referring to the PNRR funds for culture.

“I would like to leave a free culture”, explained the minister Sangiuliano who then recalled that Norberto Bobbio, in his’ Ideological profile of the twentieth century ‘, mentions a dialogue between Benedetto Croce and Giovanni Gentile, “in which it is stated’ we have returned to ‘open air’, that is, idealism and historicism against the old positivism “.

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