The question marks surrounding Itamar Ben Gabir who is nominated to enter the Ministry of Internal Security

by time news

Like all firearms, once a year I show up at the shooting range for the refresher training required to renew my license. As in a defensive driving course, the class at the range always calls for an encounter with the same types: the elderly security guard who, even on a good day, fails to hit more than one or two bullets (out of 50) on target; the stylish gunslinger with the huge gun and leather boots, who clearly lives in the West; And the one who, during the lesson, reflects from his eyes the dream of how he was caught up in the attack, eliminates the terrorist and becomes the hero of the day.

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The experienced shooting instructor has already seen them all and knows how to quickly evade the shooter who turns around to ask a question and points a gun with a bullet in the barrel at him. The instructor patiently goes over with the class, for the umpteenth time, the safety instructions for using weapons and the instructions for opening fire. At the end, he adds an important rule: “The weapon is drawn only in the case you intend to use it. Not in any other case.”

From what we have seen in the past year, it is evident that the designated senior minister, MK Itamar Ben Gvir, did not listen to this part of the training. Perhaps he too was immersed in a daydream. But now he receives the loaded gun, and with it the authority and permission to use it. Will he continue to just wave the gun or will he now also pull the trigger?

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There are those who assume that the chair and the position moderate and force consideration and settling the mind. But there is nothing in the biography of the senior partner in the next government that can indicate the existence of such qualities. Not the 53 indictments filed against him to date, not the eight criminal offenses he was convicted of, nor the lip balm he recently adopted.

As a senior minister, perhaps even the minister of internal security, he will receive the most explosive trigger in the Middle East and the most dear to his heart – the Temple Mount. Let’s assume that he agrees to temporarily besiege his and his partner Bezalel Smotrich’s dream of protesting the Muslim mosques on top of the mountain, and only asks to open his ministry with a visit to the mountain and a prayer of thanksgiving, not only in the square, but also inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Just to show the Arabs who owns the house.

Who will stop him? The Commissioner? The Chief of Staff? The head of the Shin Bet? – After all, everyone has already received a warning from his party member that anyone who disobeys the government – will be fired. Will Prime Minister-designate Binyamin Netanyahu stop him? The man whose future and personal freedom are now in the hands of the leaders of religious Zionism? him, but his current partners Smotrich and Ben Gvir don’t even bother to hide their contempt for him.

the will of the voter
Unlike his first and frenetic term as prime minister, which was all a tragedy of mistakes, the Netanyahu of the last 12 years made sure to maintain a cautious, not to say hesitant, policy in security matters, even when he had to change the mouth of the blasphemous son. He stayed away from security adventures and always kept a protective vest on his left side. Once it was Ehud Barak and Tzipi Livni, then Yair Lapid and Bogi Ya’alon, and in his last government it was Benny Gantz.

Now, for the first time in his political career, Netanyahu looks to the left of his government and there is no one there. Likud is the left marker in this government. For the first time, he has no excuse not to devote himself to “Bays” and fully implement the right-wing government’s policies to the end.

And maybe it really is time to try this policy, without inhibitions and without restraints, and maybe this is also the will of the voters. In Sderot, where the quietest year passed by the Gaza Strip in the last two decades was recorded, 78% of the voters voted in favor of the far-right government. Maybe also in their eyes silence is slime.

Netanyahu at the Western Wall (Photo: Likud Spokesperson)

On the next rocket, or even on the next kite that flies from Gaza, we can launch a broad operation in the Strip, and maybe even reconquer it. Netanyahu’s new partners will also be happy to renew the settlements in the Gaza Strip. We haven’t tried that yet, and who knows? Maybe it will bring peace and security.

In Judea and Samaria we are experiencing an outbreak of a new kind of violence, which for the time being does not engulf most of the Palestinian street, but creates an atmosphere that encourages frequent attacks. It may be that what is required is the application of Israeli sovereignty over the territories and the three million Palestinians in them, perhaps also Operation Protective Wall 2 to occupy the West Bank cities, after which the Palestinians will submit and understand who is the owner.

If we have already mobilized the reserves and the hospitals have already switched to working in an emergency mode anyway, it is also possible to cancel the “surrender agreement”, according to Netanyahu, that was signed with Lebanon, and return 5 square kilometers of proud Jewish salt water (in the Jewish sense of the word) to us. Hezbollah more He did not meet the comfort of the generals Smotrich, Yitzhak Goldknopf and Ben Gvir.

Maybe the entire top of the IDF, the Shin Bet and the Mossad are really wrong, or as MK Galit Distel-Atabrian calls them: “those with an accent of a budget pension”, and it’s time to show them what Jewish power is. Let’s just hope to be among those who survive the experiment to tell.

The writer is the military commentator of News 13
[email protected]

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