the Donbass, theater of the “most violent” fighting, according to Volodymyr Zelensky

by time news

Cover image: Police officers at the scene of a Russian shelling, in Pokrovsk, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, November 4, 2022. Andriy Andriyenko / AP

  • Washington on Friday (November 4) accused Moscow of trying to subjugate the Ukrainians by making them “come” as winter approaches. G7 countries should create a “coordinating mechanism” in order to repair the infrastructures allowing the distribution of water and electricity. It will also be a question of delivering water pumps, heaters, housing containers, toilets, beds, blankets or tents.
  • Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Chmygal nevertheless assured on Friday that “nearly half of the buildings in all of Ukraine have heating. These are schools, kindergartens, hospitals, apartment buildings (…) In kyiv, 78% of buildings are currently heated”. According to him, the gas reserves will be sufficient to survive the winter.
  • On the front, it is in the east of the country, and particularly ” in the Donbass, in Bakhmout and Soledar” that the fights are “the most violent” underlined Friday evening the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky. But “we hold our positions”he assured, insisting on the significant losses, according to him, in the Russian ranks.
  • “During the day, the Russian occupiers fired three missiles and carried out five airstrikes and two multiple rocket launchers”, on the regions of Lviv (west), Kharkiv (north-east), Dnipropetrovsk (center) and Zaporijia (south), reported the staff of the Ukrainian forces.
  • Kiev a fermement ” sentenced ” them « expulsions » inhabitants of Zaporizhia and Kherson oblasts, where Russia is carrying out “forced mass displacement”. They also take place in Crimea, as well as in the East (administrative regions of Luhansk and Donetsk, annexed by Russia), denounced the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on Friday that these population movements were continuing at the rate of “more than 5,000” people per day.
  • Faced with this situation, the United States will finance the modernization of T-72 tanks and HAWK surface-to-air missiles as part of a program of some 400 million dollars, announced Jake Sullivan, the national security adviser to the American president, during a meeting in kyiv with Volodymyr Zelensky.
  • On Red Square for the National Unity Day, Vladimir Putin felt that this aid from Westerners promotes ” geopolitical objectives, which have nothing to do with the interests of the Ukrainian people” but aim “to weaken, disintegrate, destroy Russia”.
  • Grain exports from Ukrainian ports resumed on Thursdayafter the return of Russia to the agreement on a humanitarian corridor, the G7 committing for its part to prevent Moscow from“starve” and to do ” freezing to death “ Ukrainians this winter.

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