IDF Animals: Soldiers rescued animals that were in distress

by time news

During operational activities, IDF soldiers occasionally find themselves rescuing animals that have fallen into distress in the wild. During a recent patrol of soldiers in Ramallah, they stopped the vehicle on the side of the road, as soon as they came across a small chick running on the highway. The soldiers took it and provided it with food and drink. After In a few days, the warriors found an owner for the chick to take care of it.

A soldier in the 101st battalion, Sergeant Omar Meshala, who recalled: “During a patrol in the sector, we came across a chick, and I am happy that we were able to save it and move it to a safe place. I did not expect that in my service as a soldier I would actually save a chick.”

A fighter in the IDF with the chick rescued by the fighters (photo: IDF spokesperson)

In another case that occurred in the Negev, Corporal Aneva Meman, a fighter in the Bekaa Levi Battalion, said: “We received a report of a camel whose leg was tied, and it was clear to us from the first moment we saw it that we would help it. At first it was a little intimidating and he was scared of us, but we managed to calm him down. I signaled to another fighter She was a medic and had medical equipment. After the treatment, he ran away. We saw the Bedouin who tied the camel beat him with a stick after he ran away, and we didn’t leave until we made sure that the camel was fully released.”

Also, Capt. Michael Lee Eliel, a command officer of the Karkal Battalion, recalled: “We received a report that there was a movement in the border fence with the Gaza Strip, and we thought at first that it was a security incident. We jumped to the area and saw a stork stuck on the wire above the fence. We used the pole above the walkie-talkie and freed it from the wire. I’m glad that my soldiers saw that we also take care of the animals.”

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