The coalition negotiations have not yet begun, but the case battles in Likud are already at their peak

by time news

This morning (Sunday) Binyamin Netanyahu will meet with the leaders of the right wing parties for a first meeting with the aim of starting the coalition negotiations, with the goal being to quickly establish the 37th government. However, even before the first meeting in Likud and the members of its partner parties began to fight for the positions and the game of chairs is going on in the newspapers and on the Twitter network. In the treasury and justice cases focus: the demands for these two cases are led by former ministers Israel Katz and Dodi Amsalem, who also created a bloc of Knesset members in Likud that will support their demands.

Alongside Katz and Amsalem, there are also Mai Golan, Nissim Vattori and of course David Bitan, and together they become a weight on Netanyahu’s neck in the negotiations. Amsalem already tweeted this morning that if Netanyahu chooses to transfer the legal case to Levin’s rival, he will “serve the people from the Knesset.” Vattori He sent messages to Netanyahu’s entourage that he was headed to the Interior Committee, while David Bitan, due to his trial, is interested in the position of chairman of an important committee in the Knesset. Alongside these, returning MK Dani Danon is running an extensive campaign for the position of Speaker of the Knesset and Nir Barkat for the position of Minister of Finance.

It should be noted that Netanyahu is expected to finish the negotiations with the coalition partners and only after that to address and solve the problems at home. Last time, we will recall, he left Gideon Sa’ar out of the government table, even though he was in the opening five, and in Likud they fear similar “surprises” this time as well. According to sources In Likud, other portfolios on the agenda are health for Yoav Kish, Yoav Galant and Avi Dichter are eyeing the security portfolio. For the economy or housing portfolio – Eli Cohen and other candidates. The candidates for the second-tier senior portfolios after finance, foreign affairs and defense are: Miri Regev, Miki Zohar, Amir Ohana, Netanyahu’s associate Yariv Levin and Yuli Edelstein.

On the table of all the coalition partners in the first stage is the law of the overcoming clause. In Torah Judaism, they are first and foremost interested in ensuring the passage of the conscription law when the High Court of Justice, which has canceled the law four times already, is waiting for them.

The noise surrounding the coalition negotiations that have not yet begun is only expected to increase

In the ultra-Orthodox parties, on the other hand, they are expected to make it easier for Netanyahu and remain with demands in accordance with the shares they won in the past: in the base – the housing portfolio and the Finance Committee for Torah Judaism, Interior, the Negev Galil, and Shas religions. In religious Zionism, on the other hand, while Ben Gabir’s demand for the interior security portfolio has already become a fact, Smotrich is expected to have a battle over one of the two top portfolios, finance or security. Alongside this, while Likud wants to draw up slim agreements and strive for a quick government, religious Zionism insists on anchoring in detailed agreements the clauses on the amendment of the judicial system and the return of governance for fear that Netanyahu will text any attempt at a right-wing achievement.

In Netanyahu’s environment, meanwhile, they are trying to beat down the demands through the media and are setting impossible conditions for those demanding the treasury portfolio, as was published this morning in “Yediot Ahronoth” for example – to remove the budget division from the Ministry of Finance and transfer it to the Prime Minister’s Office. The noise surrounding the negotiations that have not yet begun is expected to prevail As the conversations mature. A senior official in the emerging coalition said this morning: “It is possible to end in four days of intense negotiations what will last a month. It depends on Netanyahu.”

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