When photovoltaics float on water

by time news
With a capacity of 12 megawatts, the 43,000 floating photovoltaic panels of the Chapeliers lake, in Peyrolles-en-Provence, are capable of supplying 6,400 homes with electricity, excluding heating. Boralex

FIGARO DEMAIN – To overcome the lack of available space, a solution is being developed: the floating solar power plant on the lake.

The Chapeliers lake in Peyrolles-en-Provence has shimmered with a new sparkle since December 2021. To the bursts of the wave were added the bluish reflections of the silicon of 43,000 photovoltaic panels, firmly fixed to each other and placed on floats. This 12-hectare continent represents one of the rare French installations of floating solar parks. With a capacity of 12 megawatts, it is capable of supplying 6,400 homes with electricity, excluding heating. “In France, power stations of this type can still be counted on the fingers of one hand.believes Marie Buchet, head of solar energy at the Renewable Energies Syndicate, citing those of Peyssies in Haute-Garonne, or that of Perthes, in Haute-Marne which when it opens, scheduled for 2023, should be the largest in the world. ‘Hexagon. “But there are more and more projects in development, especially in the Paca, Occitanie and Nouvelle-Aquitaine regions; sun obliges!”she adds.

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