The pandemic and the crisis slow down the transport of vehicles by road, ship and train

by time news

The transport of vehicles by road, ship and train has also felt the consequences of the crisis. Both the Covid-19 pandemic such as the war in Ukraine and the lack of components are some of the reasons that have caused the reduction, by 5.1% in 2021, to 4.33 million units, of vehicle transport, This means that it falls per second consecutive year and is far from the 5.5 million cars displaced in 2019, before the Covid-19 pandemic, according to data from the annual logistics valuation reports prepared by the Spanish Association of Car and Truck Manufacturers (Anfac) .

«The continuity of the effects of the pandemic and the strong microchip crisis, which has conditioned the pace of production and sales of the automobile market, have been the main factors that justify this setback“, the association has valued this Thursday in a statement.

Specifically, the transport of vehicles through maritime logistics services has experienced a drop of 5.3% (2.03 million units), while the railway route has been reduced by 21.4% (502,447 units) and the road option has increased by 1% (1.93 million units), so the latter has positioned itself as the main scrolling mode vehicular.

According to the report, road transport has accounted for 44.7% of the total of the 4.33 million vehicle journeys, while the railway has represented 43.7% and the sea route 11.6%.

The figures also indicate that since 2019 road transport has increased its share by 3.8 percentage pointswhile the sea route has been cut by 2.1 points and the railway by 1.6 points.

Regarding the reasons for the increase in road transport, Anfac has highlighted its “greater capacity for adaptability and flexibility” to meet the needs of the automotive sector, which has meant that it captured part of the logistics flows from the maritime sector or railway

«This increase is mainly due to the recovery of journeys within the national sphere, which increased by 3.2% compared to the previous year, with a total of 1,155,109 mobilized vehiclesas opposed to vehicles transported internationally, which has contracted by 2%, with 783,108 cars”, added Anfac


The sea route is the best valued

Regarding the assessment that the car brands make of each of the types of transport, the sea route is the one that has obtained the highest score, specifically, an average of 4 out of a total of 5.

In this sense, in the report the eight spanish ports are analyzed relevant (Barcelona, ​​Malaga, Pasaia, Sagunto, Santander, Tarragona, Valencia and Vigo) in terms of import and export of vehicles and through which 93.8% of the units transported by sea are channeled.

The ports of Pasaia (Guipuzcoa) and Tarragona share and repeat the first position with a score of 4.4, followed by Santander (4.2), Sagunto (4.1), Barcelona (3.9), Valencia (3 .8), Vigo (3.7) and Malaga (3.3).

While, road transport obtained a score of 3.7 points, while the railway option obtained an average assessment by brands of 3.3 out of 5.

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