Young mothers… 5 most important things in child rearing..! Be sure to find out!

by time news

First Published Nov 6, 2022, 11:36 PM IST

Even if a mother gives birth to a child after 10 months in the womb, throbbing in labor pains… the hardships and pains she experienced within a few minutes of giving birth to the child disappear when she sees the child’s face. Here are some things we must know to raise a child born like this…

Up to two months after the birth of the child, mothers suffer more due to problems such as lack of sleep, body aches, fatigue, etc. For some it can be stressful. In times like these it is very important to have adults with child rearing experience with the young mothers.

It is better to give only mother’s milk to newborns. Babies… drink very little milk and therefore may get hungry more often… so breast milk should be fed to the baby at least once every two hours. Breast milk… if there is no discharge consult your doctor… can you give formula milk? Please listen and know. Never give cow’s milk to children under 1 year of age.

Mother-child bonding is very important. A newborn cannot speak to you, but you can feel touch. When you touch the baby happily… hug and caress… mothers produce more milk. So expectant mothers should spend as much time with the baby as possible to be happy.

Pay more attention to handling children. When touching children, hands should be washed thoroughly. Hygiene is very important. Likewise, women who have given birth should trim their nails and keep them clean. Avoiding using beauty products is good for children.

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