Vinegars (Salutequità), ’24 million chronically ill, 100 million are needed for the NCP

by time news

“In our country 24 million Italians are affected by chronic diseases; 12% of the population (equal to 7 million, they were about 6 in 2010) are over 75 years of age. Of these about half – to be exact, 47.8% – have three or more chronic pathologies or severe limitations in carrying out daily activities. It is clear that we are talking about that segment of the fragile population that needs particular assistance, for which resources are immediately needed which in this phase must be reallocated through the funding of the National Chronicity Plan, at least 100 million euros. “Thus Tonino Aceti, president of Salutequità, speaking today in Rome at the presentation of the analysis ‘Missed treatments and Pdta for chronicity’, carried out by Salutequità, and of the proposals of the ‘Permanent Observatory for Non-Covid Patient Assistance. Focus on chronicity’, meeting with the representatives of the Regions and the main stakeholders of the NHS, organized thanks to the unconditional contribution of UC b, Bristol Myers Squibb, Menarini Group, Sanofi and Beigene.

In no region, according to Istat data, not even in those with the greatest pandemic impact has super-mortality caused a temporary reduction in the aging process. “For this reason – concludes Aceti – we ask that there be funding for the implementation and modernization of the National Chronicity Plan which is our model of taking charge of chronic conditions formally implemented by all regions but actually implemented by very few” .

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