MEP Hervé Juvin, sentenced for domestic violence, dismissed by the National Rally

by time news

The National Rally dreamed for Jordan Bardella of an imperial coronation; on the contrary, it is a succession of troubles that surround his election to the presidency of the party. Monday, November 7, The Obs revealed the conviction for domestic violence of Hervé Juvin, colleague of Mr. Bardella in the European Parliament and putative minister of ecology of the former presidential candidate Marine Le Pen. His conviction on appeal to a fine of 10,000 euros, for “kicks” and “punches” carried out on his wife in 2018, dates back to October 14. It confirms a first instance decision rendered in November 2021, against which Mr. Juvin had appealed.

This revelation, two days after the election of Jordan Bardella, comes after the Grégoire de Fournas affair, suspended from the National Assembly for xenophobic remarks made during the session of questions to the government on November 3. His case had occupied the political and media scene in the forty-eight hours preceding the RN congress, and brought to light his obsessions with immigrants and skin color, far from the demonization desired by the party. In order to cut short this bad patch, the deputy of Gironde even resigned discreetly from the national council, where he had nevertheless been elected by the militants. A decision made “in agreement with the RN”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Elected by the members, Grégoire de Fournas does not appear in the parliament of the National Rally

The election of Jordan Bardella was then parasitized by the internal revolt led by Steeve Briois and Bruno Bilde, pillars of the party and of “Marinism”, not reappointed to the executive office. Their denunciation of a “start of purge” and one « re-radicalisation » of the party largely eclipsed the coverage of the victory, however superior to the expectations (85% of the votes), of Mr. Bardella. The conviction of Hervé Juvin – who did not respond to the Monde – is one more file on the table of the young president.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers After the election of Jordan Bardella, a scent of “purge” at the National Rally

A conviction kept secret, according to the RN

Presented as the “intellectual” of the National Rally, this economics and ecology specialist is very listened to by Marine Le Pen. When the press questioned her, during the presidential campaign of 2022, on the possible composition of her government, she had two names in mind: Jean-Paul Garraud for justice and Hervé Juvin for ecology. Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the candidate, credited him with a “personal relationship with Marine outside the structures. (…) There is not a sheet of cigarette paper between them”he said to Echosin reference to his views on the international – pro-Russian – and the environment – ​​a “rooted ecology” mixed with an identity and heritage dimension.

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