an exception to the ban on slavery for prisoners is the subject of referendums in five states

by time news

This is one of the peculiarities mid-term elections in the United States: in addition to renewing all of the 435 seats in the House of Representatives, 35 of the 100 seats for senators and the governors of 36 states out of 50, 132 local referendums are organized this year in 37 states.

These relate to education, infrastructure, abortion, health, the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes… and for voters in Alabama, Louisiana, Oregon, Tennessee and Vermont – one of the first states to abolish slavery, in 1777 – on the removal from their respective Constitutions of references to “ l’esclavage » and at the “involuntary servitude”.

Because the drafting of the XIIIe amendment to the United States Constitution, which put an end to slavery, left an exception: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime the culprit of which shall have been duly convicted, shall exist in the United States or in any place subject to its jurisdiction. » It is this breach that the local referendums propose to fill.

Prisoners, labor without rights

The final abolition of slavery, in 1865, was accompanied in particular by racial discrimination by the police and the judicial system, one of the consequences of which was a rate of imprisonment of African-Americans almost five times higher than that whites, as recalled in a study published at the end of 2021 by the research and defense center The Sentencing Project. However, in the penitentiary system, prisoners undergo a double punishment: deprivation of freedom and compulsory work, practically without remuneration.

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According to a report by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), of the approximately 1.2 million inmates in federal and state prisons, around 800,000 are forced to work for very low pay. According to the database of the Worth Rises group, an NGO that advocates for the dismantling of the prison industry and an end to the exploitation of prisoners, thousands of companies use this labor at very low cost: from 13 cents to $1.30 an hour, when the federal hourly minimum is $7.25. In three states – Texas, Georgia and Arkansas – prisoners are not even paid at all.

The ACLU points out that these incarcerated workers produce more than $2 billion a year in goods and merchandise and contribute to the upkeep of prisons to the tune of more than $9 billion a year. On the West Coast, they sometimes fulfill public service missions: the State of Washington uses them to fight forest fires. Just like the yet very democratic California… which rejected a ballot proposal aimed at ending the forced labor of prisoners, used as auxiliary firefighters.

Prisoners strike against their exploitation

In the summer of 2018, inmates in American prisons went on strike. Supported by several associations for the defense of civil rights, they made their demands known, including “the immediate improvement of conditions” ownership and the right to vote for all of them.

Read also Inmates go on strike in US prisons

In the process, during the 2018 midterm elections, Colorado banned forced prisoner labor, followed in 2020 by Utah and Nebraska. And so perhaps the turn this year of five other States.

If the battle is waged State by State, it is because of the difficulty of abolishing it at the federal level. An amendment to this effect was indeed presented in 2021 by Democratic senators in order to modify the Constitution and to include an article stipulating that “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude may be imposed as a punishment for a crime”. But its adoption requires a two-thirds vote of the House and Senate, as well as a ratification by three-fourths of the state legislatures, which is virtually impossible.

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Pending the outcome of Tuesday’s vote, slavery remains enshrined in the Constitutions of Oregon, Nevada, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi. The notion of “involuntary servitude”it is found in those of the states of California, Kansas, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana.

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