The election platform in the US: a new survey reveals the opinion of the minorities

by time news

US midterm elections: Millions of Americans went to vote to determine which party will control the US Congress for the next two years. To get the majority, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party spent a lot of resources to convince the minorities to give their confidence, when they constitute a decisive weight in the election. In the meantime, the “Wall Street Journal” conducted a special survey today (Tuesday), which showed that the Republican Party managed to increase its support among the black community, since the last election.

Also, the survey showed that even among Latino voters, support for the Republican Party increased compared to the last election. This, after in the presidential elections, the Democratic Party swept away the ethnic minorities, who preferred it over the Republican Party. According to the survey, about 17% of black voters said they would prefer to vote for a Republican candidate for Congress, over a Democratic candidate, after in the presidential election, only about 8% indicated that they would do so. The results indicate a deterioration in democratic support among minorities, who prioritize the economic situation.

Joe Biden (Photo: Reuters)

John Anzalonewho conducted the survey together with the Republican strategist, Tony Fabrizio, who also served as former President Trump’s chief pollster, said that “I think this election can be a leap forward for the Republicans.” Fabrizio emphasized that “it is absolutely possible that the Republicans will reach a new peak among the African-American community and the Hispanic community in the current election.” In the meantime, analysts in both parties are looking for signs, whether the change in voting preferences is permanent, or a temporary change caused by the current concern about inflation and the economic situation.

However, the Democrats claim, for their part, that they will win by large margins among the African-American community. This, after in the newspaper’s last poll, about 70% of black voters said they would vote for the Democratic Party. the republican candidate for congress, Wesley Hunta member of the African-American community, commented on the results and said that “I’m not naive enough to think that half of the community will suddenly vote for the Republicans, it won’t happen overnight.”

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