Chinese car manufacturers are entering the European market

by time news

dream or nightmare? Build-your-dreams model Han, one of a whole BYD family
Image: manufacturer

We will have to get used to Aiways, Lynk & Co or Great Wall. New brands are entering the market from Asia. The industry oscillates between tension and tension.

DFrom the press office of the federal government, Chancellor Olaf Scholz flew to Beijing on November 4, 2022 to meet China’s President Xi Jinping. The Chancellor will then hold talks with Prime Minister Li Keqiang. The focus is on bilateral relations, international issues such as combating climate change, the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and the situation in the East Asian region.

Holger Appel

Editor in business, responsible for “Technology and Engine”.

But also, and this is no less important: the Federal Chancellor will be accompanied by a business delegation. The mood in the companies is tense, there is uncertainty about the future course. China is an extremely important trading partner. If everything on the trip goes according to plan, which was assumed at the time this article went to press but could not be determined with absolute certainty, the board members and managing directors will voice their concerns and hopes. Among others, VW boss Oliver Blume, Siemens boss Roland Busch, Merck boss Belén Garijo, Deutsche Bank boss Christian Sewing and the chairman of the chemical group BASF, Martin Brudermüller, are also part of the party.

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