These start-ups at the forefront of the energy transition

by time news
The young shoot Materrup develops construction materials, whose carbon footprint is 40% lower than that of cement. 499125928/narawit –

FOCUS – Some companies are implementing breakthrough processes that are likely to upset the future of the industry.

Bpifrance and France Digitale, the largest federation of start-ups in Europe, have just published their Mapping impact start-ups. It counts 1074 young shoots, out of the 20,000 in France. “In total, these start-ups have created 30,000 jobs in France, that’s as much as the fifty most polluting sites whose leaders were received at the Elysées”, underlines Maya Noël, general manager of France Digitale. This census highlights the capacity for innovation of French Tech, with, for some companies, breakthrough processes likely to upset the future of the industry. A few examples illustrate the inventiveness of these companies. Not all of them are at the same stage of development, ranging from the experimental phase to several years of activity.

Among them, Materrup develops construction materials whose carbon footprint is 40% lower than that of cement. The start-up has developed a material based on raw clay, whose performance is…

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