‘Outsourcing, private… Why demand cancellation of Decree No. 115?’ – Government Employees Association Description | Why demand repeal of Ordinance No. 115? TNGEA

by time news

Chennai: “The Tamil Nadu Government Employees Association has requested the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu to realize that the outsourcing system, retrenchment measures and the government’s intentions towards privatization are an arrangement to hand over to East India companies which have been renamed.

In this regard, the Tamil Nadu Government Employees Union has issued a statement saying, “On October 18, the Government of Tamil Nadu’s Human Resource Development Department has issued the Government Order No. 115, which has caused confusion, turmoil and anger in the minds of government employees, teachers and lakhs of young people who are waiting for job opportunities.

What is the reason for opposing the ordinance? – In that decree, we are in a predicament where vacancies are high and salary and pension costs are high. Hence, it becomes very necessary to streamline the existing recruitment and training methods. This year we have started the process of making some amendments in the recruitment and training rules. Pointing out that the Minister of Finance and Human Resource Development spoke in the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly that a 5-member HRD Committee will be set up to propose an integrated plan for HRD reforms within a period of six months. ‘Committee on Human Resource Reforms’ It is stated in the decree that it has been set up.

The Government Employees’ Union protested against this. However, as the chief minister has promised to fulfill the rights and demands of government employees and teachers, it was said that there is no need to worry about the finance minister’s speech. However, today a HRD committee has been set up. The very name of this group does not imply ‘Development’ group but Human Resource ‘Adjustment’ group.

It has now come to light that before the Minister of Finance and Human Resource Development said in his Legislative Assembly speech, ‘It is very necessary to streamline the methods of recruitment and training in practice’, i.e. before the formation of this committee, the recruitment of contractors through the recruitment agency in the Corporation and Municipalities has been started.

In the circular of the Municipal Executive Director, Chennai, (No. No. 21787/2021/EA2 dated 02.10.2021) concerned category wise permanent posts in the Corporation, Municipalities.
It has been informed that if more employees are required considering the availability of employees, the employees should be hired through outsourcing agency.

It is known that the permanent commitment has been abandoned in the Corporations and Municipalities. The purpose of setting up this ‘restructuring’ committee indicates to everyone that the same practice will be followed in every government department. All of this group’s research limitations are anti-employee activities.

  • Filling up of various government posts, positions, etc. on the basis of ability on contract basis
  • Exploring the possibility of outsourcing D and C category posts
  • List of outsourcing recruitment agencies and explore the possibility of filling various HR Govt posts from them.
  • Examining the performance and evaluation of workplaces by comparing high-end workplaces with private companies

The possibility of appointing employees on contract basis, examining their work performance and then bringing them on periodic wages etc. is nothing but a purely outsourcing arrangement of government departments.

What are the effects of this?

  • The government’s move is the culmination of a move to include the words “people’s welfare” in the “endangered species” list.
  • By privatizing government services, they seek to abdicate their responsibilities and the philanthropy that sustains the poor and middle class.
  • Outsourcing all the jobs will ruin the future of the youth.
  • Such edicts and directives are authoritarian nooses that tighten the throat of the innocent democracy.
  • While more than 50 percent of vacant D category posts in government departments have been left unfilled, the current ordinance has made it clear that C category posts will also be allotted to private individuals.
  • Indentured servitude is an act of state ownership of slavery and labor exploitation by the government itself.
  • Even government-mandated minimum wage, guarantee of decent living, gratuity, labor insurance legal protection etc. will be abolished by this system of privatized outsourcing.

The government must realize that outsourcing, retrenchment and the government’s drive towards privatization is a re-handover arrangement to rebranded East India companies. Therefore, on behalf of government employees, teachers and all workers, we request the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu to withdraw such dangerous ordinance that has been issued to question the future of the youth of the people of Tamil Nadu, the government departments,” it said.

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