Have you already made your kids a sandwich today? Hold on, we have something for you

by time news

Do you usually make your children a sandwich for school? Do you usually plan to make your children a sandwich for school and then complain to the therapist that you don’t do it enough and feel bad about yourself? You don’t have kids at all, but still you clicked on a title that is clearly about making sandwiches for kids for school because you love us? Be that as it may, we are here to inform you that the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa has launched a new project called “Outside the Box”, which does, by and large, the most Tel Avivian thing in the world: recruits Tel Avivian chefs to write recipes for delicious sandwiches, simple to prepare and also from accessible raw materials. And everything, of course, is also healthy, nutritious, and there are also recipes that are suitable for vegans and celiacs, because not only chefs and chefs worked on the project, but also nutritionists and clinical dietitians. Each recipe also comes with a proposal for assembling lunch boxes with the addition of vegetables, fruits and healthy snacks – about 20 recipes in total, andAll the recipes can be found on the project website, right here.

Hamudi Abolafia (Photo: Assaf Karla)

Among the chefs who participated in the project, you can find Hamudi Abolafia from Delida who offers a recipe for a cauliflower omelette and Roi Ezer from Anastasia with scrambled tofu – not exactly the recipes you would recognize with them everyday, but maybe that is also the secret of the magic here. Also on the list of participants: Chen Weinstein from Dosa Bar and Tamar Cohen Tzedek from Cocina Hess 4. Now, it should also be noted that we do not fully understand why a project that presents itself as a project of recipes for ten meals begins, as expected, with sandwiches and then makes a surprising turn to recipes Homemade lavana, Ethiopian bread roll, beet tapenade and banana pancake – these are all delicious things, which your children will probably connect with, but they are not exactly dishes you would expect to see in lunch boxes. On the other hand, at least your child will be able to say “My beetroot tapenade is from Chen Weinstein’s recipe, and yours?”. After all, it is important to prepare your Tel Aviv children to be proud at an early age.

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