The Noz clearance store is selling the clothes bought back last week in Camaïeu

by time news

The first batches, including the old winter collections of the chain which closed more than a month ago, should arrive on the shelves this Wednesday.

A week after the auction which saw Noz swipe Camaïeu stocks, the first batches of clothing should arrive on the shelves of the destocking brand this Wednesday. “Arrivals will continue throughout the month“, indicated to The voice of the North Sébastien Jaffrès, representative of Noz.

On the occasion of the auction of the remaining stocks of Camaïeu, placed in compulsory liquidation, the destocking brand left last week with 18 of the 20 lots put up for sale, paying 3.82 million euros. A derisory sum, if we compare it to the estimated value of the whole. Only two batches were not recovered by Noz: those from the stocks of the stores in Corsica and Monaco.

The sale took place a month after the ready-to-wear company had to close its 511 stores and lay off its 2,600 employees. Despite significant sales during the last days of opening, a certain amount of stock remained unsold. Based in Mayenne, Noz notably got its hands on Camaïeu’s coveted winter 2022-2023 collection, which had not had time to be presented in stores. The starting price was 450,000 euros, and Noz finally paid out 530,000 euros.

This sale was a good deal for Noz: in total, the overall value of the stocks put up for auction, if they had been sold in stores, was estimated at 51.6 million euros for nearly 2 million pieces, d after Maison Mercier, organizer of the event. “All the stocks of the 509 stores are offered for sale, i.e. around 1,200,000 pieces for a store sale price value of around 34 million euros including tax.“, was it indicated on the site of the auction house. To this was added all warehouse stocks, i.e. 580,000 pieces for a value of approximately 14 million euros, as well as the winter 2023 collection, i.e. approximately 276,200 pieces for 3.6 million euros.

Despite the estimated value of the stocks if they had been sold in stores, the Mercier house was rather aiming for a sale reaching 1.5 million or 2 million euros. An amount which, in the end, almost doubled. Noz has until November 14 to remove the goods for stocks from stores across France, and until the end of November for stocks from northern warehouses.

SEE ALSO – Camaïeu: employees decide to “to occupy» the brand’s headquarters in Roubaix

A sale expected in a few weeks

With its 312 destocking stores, Noz seems to be able to recover the stocks of each of the stores. According to Sébastien Jaffrès, around 150 people are currently working on this task. It will be the old winter collections that will be first offered for sale in Noz stores. This winter’s collection will arrive “during December“says the representative of the sign to The voice of the North. Will the summer pieces be available?next year“. As for prices, items already sold by Camaïeu when it closed and unsold items will be subject to 30 to 50% discounts, assures Sébastien Jaffrès. For this season’s collection,prices are still under discussion“, he reports.

Noz, a company founded in 1976 in Laval, has developed expertise in this area: its model is based on the resale of products exclusively from overstocks, end of series, end of collections, packaging changes, canceled orders or even of auctions. Textile products that it then resells at low prices in its 312 points of sale present exclusively in France.

But despite this significant investment in Camaïeu stocks, business does not seem so simple for Noz, which nevertheless claims an annual turnover of 550 million euros, since the company closed around twenty of its stores in september. In the meantime, Camaïeu lovers will be able to enjoy his creations one last time at the destocker.

SEE ALSO – Camaïeu: the 511 stores are closing their doors for good

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