Recruitment difficulties: professional branches take up the subject

by time news

Posted Nov 9, 2022, 8:00 a.m.Updated Nov 9, 2022, 8:07 a.m.

On the recruitment difficulties of companies, attention is focused on the conditions of unemployment benefit with the government’s plan to vary the rules according to the economic situation. But that cannot sum up the subject. Not all sectors are subject to the same tensions.

What if salvation came from professional branches? The very ones who saw their field of intervention limited by the ordinances of 2017 find there a new field of action, shows a report submitted this Tuesday to the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt. The mission which had been entrusted to its author, the honorary social affairs inspector Philippe Dole, in March 2021, focused on supporting voluntary branches to engage in a joint process among those hit hard by recruitment difficulties. With, each time, the signing of a charter of commitment between the Ministry of Labor and the social partners.

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