The mid-term elections in the United States proved: the Trumpism virus has stopped Interpretation

by time news

Covid 19 has been contained in the United States. It turns out that the Trumpism virus has also stopped. This is the central and important meaning of the results of the mid-term elections that took place yesterday in the USA. The results are still partial. In some countries the counting is still ongoing. But all the commentators and experts who expressed themselves in reports in the written press and in commentaries on the television channels agree and confirm with almost general agreement – the non-final results have already determined, proved and revealed unequivocally, the estimates that flooded the media and the statements that Republican candidates marketed that what they defined as a “red wave” was expected in the mid-term elections, meaning a sweeping victory for the Republicans in the House of Representatives and the Senate – turned out to be at best exaggerated and in some cases delusional.

Donald Trump, who did not “run” as a candidate but showed meddling and abnormal involvement in statements, statements, speeches at election rallies and expressions of support and sympathy for Republican candidates and candidacies, turned out to be the big loser of the election. “We have a great night ahead of us,” declared Donald Trump the evening before election day. He seems as usual full of self-confidence, arrogance and defiance. He was sure that the candidates he supported so much would win. The results proved to Trump that they are more of a night than a great one for him. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, one of Trump’s close associates, summarized the results in an interview with the NBC network.

The truth in the field is much less than a wave. A commentator on a public channel in New York scoffed, “The results are not even a noticeable current, as far as the Republicans are concerned.” It is impossible to ignore the fact that the final results, according to experts, will increase the number of Republican congressmen and give a majority in the House of Representatives to Republicans. Not a large majority, but enough to give Republicans a parliamentary advantage to block White House initiatives and hinder Democrats from promoting proposals. The results for the Senate which will determine the number of senators of both parties are more important. It is estimated that the final results for the Senate will be known and finally approved only in a month.

According to the estimates of commentators and experts who expressed themselves this morning, even the results in the Senate will not fulfill the hopes of the Republicans and their ambition to control the upper house, which is considered the legislative temple of the USA. Victories for the Democrats who have already been approved and are considered proof of the assessment that Trumpism is not so strong and far from the status of an influential and leading factor in the arena The internal ones in the USA are, the victory of the Democrat Cathy Hokul who was elected to the office of governor of New York, the first woman in this position. and the victory in the state of Pennsylvania of the Democratic candidate for the seat in the Senate John Peterman. New York is considered a stronghold for Democrats. But in recent weeks his presence in the gubernatorial race of Republican candidate Lee Zeldin has grown stronger and stronger. Zeldin ran a vigorous, vigorous and extensive campaign.

Recently, polls showed that his chances are close to those of Kathy Hokull, the longtime candidate for governor. But the results reaffirmed the strength of the Democratic stronghold of New York. In Pennsylvania, an important and influential central state, there was a struggle that was not without ugliness between the Democrat John Paterman and the Republican Dr. Hose – two new figures in the internal arena of Pennsylvania. In the midst of his campaign, John Peterman suffered a stroke. But he recovered quickly and made a lot of appearances and speeches. Dr. Hose was not far behind and ran a strong media campaign. He did not shrug off expressions of support for him from a local politician known to be anti-Semitic.

Peterman, who on the outside doesn’t exactly look like a senator, won. As mentioned, the results are not final. What is clear from the partial results is that Donald Trump’s status and influence in the Republican Party are not as significant as has been estimated in recent weeks. Trump announced that on the 15th of the month he will deliver an important speech. He will probably announce his candidacy for the presidency.

In the weeks and days following the midterm elections, commentators and experts often repeated assessments that indicated the weakening of President Joe Biden’s position. They claimed that the cost of living and inflation had severely damaged President Biden’s standing. It seems that these estimates were also exaggerated and exaggerated. According to the tradition in American politics, the results of the mid-term elections are always to the detriment of the incumbent president and a demonstration of dissatisfaction with his performance. The results this time are not proof of President Biden’s popularity, far from it. But they are also not proof that dissatisfaction with his performance is so strong and belongs to the majority. Far from it. It’s an interesting innovation of the midterm election tradition.

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