Research reveals that “single or married” has nothing to do with happiness, but “love” will make you love yourself : PPTVHD36

by time news

On November 11 or 11.11, married people may not care much. But for single people like us, sigh … what day is it? Where are you going to reiterate? Who would want to have a girlfriend because alone? I’m beautiful, handsome, rich, and smart! (I’m not a bully) Honestly speaking, really, really, being single or not single is better? It’s similar to the dilapidated world problem, the chicken and the egg, which came first? Because a person who has a partner will have a pink world like no. Sno Care is happy as a double pack.

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Okay, let’s just say that because the medical and research itself clearly indicates that being single or married doesn’t compromise your happiness in the slightest. But in terms of health, it depends on the lifestyle of each person as well.

Health, singles and married people, who is better?

I have to tell you that good health There are many factors that come together. Although there is no definitive conclusion from many studies, it has been found that having a good lifestyle can encourage people to that can be happy A survey of the health of 15,001 Australians, males and females, 74% of them had a partner. Those who have a partner will have the opportunity

  • smoke less
  • Eat less fast food
  • drink less alcohol
  • But in terms of healthy food choices and excess weight. no different

Therefore, the research concluded that In terms of socialization, single people are at risk of developing the lifestyle-related diseases mentioned above. more than a couple

The happiness of singles and married people, who has more? Happiness does not have a clear definition. Most of us tend to say that is life satisfaction with different perspectives more positive than negative which has a good attitude based on past experience Parenting from family and school friends or people around you to help Let us be flexible or lethargic differently.

A study from England found that between the ages of 45 and 65, the happiness of being single was 32% among women, while only 19% for single men. Women are more sensitive and sensitive than men. and make an effort to build or maintain a long-lasting marriage relationship but after a certain point those excessive efforts can cause boredom after that point reduce the stress in life such as

  • Do not cook for anyone
  • don’t think for anyone
  • no pressure
  • You can come home late with no burdens to worry about.
  • as well as being able to do various activities or to hang out with friends

Is love really good for health? Which means not only sweethearts, but also family love. that if we had already loved what follows is to share suffering and happiness together until old age to be called perfect love While in the medical Found that in the body there are many hormones that work together in a systematic way at each stage of love.

  • First time found : The hormone adrenaline, which makes your heart beat faster and your face flushes.
  • Relationship period: Testosterone and estrogen (Testosterone & Estrogen), which are male and female hormones respectively. lust sensuality and the urge to have sex
  • Binding Range : The hormone oxytocin (Oxytocin), which from hugging, touching or having sex. will cause the brain to secrete more oxytocin we will feel connected understand more about life partner There is one love (mostly, some couples, only during the promotion period) may cause some people. I have symptoms to the extent that I can’t eat, can’t sleep.
  • Happy lap time: Endorphin, a morphine-like chemical, reduces pain when stimulated by positive feelings. It is a chemical that makes the brain feel good. and is the body’s natural pain reliever. It is ejaculated with constant exercise, stress and most during the orgasm of sex.
  • Learning period together: Serotonin hormone in the brain and nervous system Serotonin is responsible for regulating hunger, satiety, sleep, sexual arousal and feelings of peace. reduce aggression We often describe it as a “special person” hormone that makes us feel important to our loved ones. If there is too much, it can result in anxiety easily, overthinking, mood swings, and if too little can lead to depression, or what sweethearts call it. “Good Noid”

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In conclusion, being in love indirectly affecting good health because of the hormones that happened during love Help us reduce stress in life. We didn’t say it ourselves. But there are research findings that Stress has a high risk of death. 43% But it only happens in people who believe Stress is the only danger. For those who had high stress levels but didn’t believe it was dangerous, the risk of death was low. The researchers therefore concluded that Stress is dangerous to us. When we think it’s dangerous but if we think It can happen and we can handle it. adjustable viewing angle We don’t need to worry about how stressful deaths will affect us.

So you can see Happiness is not related to being single or being in a relationship. But it also depends on many factors involved in that person as well.

Therefore, we should not expect or leave happiness. with being a mate or not having a mate because that happiness may only be with us for a little while and there may be hidden suffering If we don’t get that happiness continually

Day 11.11 is only a symbol of loneliness, not the day that decides anyone’s happiness. Take care of yourself and your mind, not tied to or clinging to what is known as “single or married”. At least today, we may be able to get cheap items from shopping at a special price as well.

Information from: Samitivej Hospital

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