Dengue fever sweeps Sudan.. Appeals and heart-breaking video

by time news

After the authorities in Sudan announced a few days ago the emergence of “dengue fever” in 8 states and an increase in malaria cases, Sudanese circles were preoccupied with this dangerous event.

Hashtags such as “#Dengue, #Prevention is better than a cure, #White_Disasters_zone, spread to a large extent on the social networking site Twitter, amid warnings of the seriousness of the situation.”

The country’s Ministry of Health also indicated that the injuries affected the states of Greater Darfur and Kordofan, in addition to the Red Sea, Kassala and the White Nile.

Hundreds of injuries..and these are the most affected

She added that North Darfur state is the most affected so far by the disease, as hundreds of people have been infected, noting that hundreds of cases of malaria have also appeared.

Medical sources also confirmed that North Darfur State is the most affected by the disease so far, as hundreds of people have been infected, noting that hundreds of cases of malaria have also appeared, according to local media.

While local officials in North Darfur appealed to the central authorities and international organizations to intervene urgently to limit the spread of diseases.

baby girl video

In the midst of that tragedy, the pioneers of social networking sites shared a video of a Sudanese girl named “Poleg”, who sent a distress message to the citizens of the city of El-Obeid after the outbreak of the disease.

The message was widely spread, especially as the little girl called on everyone to pay attention to what is happening due to dengue fever and the situation in her city, calling for help.

There is a possibility of death

It is noteworthy that “Dengue fever” is a viral fever, transmitted by the bite of mosquitoes, and it spreads extensively in the places where these insects breed, and spreads quickly in areas where they breed, especially tropical and subtropical.

Its symptoms range from a high fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius) to headaches, muscle or bone and joint pain, as well as nausea, vomiting, pain behind the eyes, swollen glands, and rashes.

While most people recover within a week, in some cases symptoms get worse and may become life-threatening.

This is known as acute dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome, which means that complications from this type of fever may lead to the possibility of death.

A severe fever occurs when blood vessels are damaged and leaking, as the number of clot-forming cells (platelets) in the bloodstream decreases.

It can also cause shock, internal bleeding, organ failure and even death, and the warning signs of acute dengue fever, a life-threatening emergency, can develop rapidly.

While the warning signs usually begin on the first day or within two days after the fever subsides, they include severe stomach pain, persistent vomiting, bleeding from the gums or nose, with blood in the urine, stool, or vomit, as well as bleeding under the skin that resembles bruises, difficulty or speed Breathing with fatigue.

The disease is spread through mosquito bites

Work is underway to find a vaccine

Millions of cases of dengue infection occur worldwide each year, but it is most common in Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific Islands, Latin America and Africa.

Researchers are working to find vaccines for dengue fever, but the best way to prevent infection at present, especially in areas where dengue fever is common, is to avoid mosquito bites and take the necessary steps to reduce mosquito numbers.

And this disease began to spread in new areas recently, including outbreaks locally in Europe and the southern regions of the United States.

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