Arm wrestling with Italy on the Ocean Viking: what France plans as retaliatory measures

by time news

An attitude deemed “unacceptable”, which leads to immediate measures. After Italy’s refusal to welcome the Ocean Viking, a ship carrying 234 migrants rescued in the Mediterranean Sea, France accepted Thursday their next landing in Toulon (Var).

In return, Paris castigates the attitude of Rome, which, according to her, was responsible for this reception. In return, France is planning several retaliatory measures against its neighbor, with whom the conflict is escalating. “It will draw all the consequences of the Italian attitude on the other aspects of its bilateral relationship”, warned Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior, Thursday.

Reception of migrants from Italy suspended

First consequence of the crisis between Paris and Rome: the refugees who were to be relocated from Italy by 2023 to France will remain stranded. “With immediate effect, France is suspending all relocations of these 3,500 refugees for the benefit of Italy and calls on all other participants in the European mechanism, in particular Germany, to do the same”, declared Gérald Darmanin during a press conference at the end of the Council of Ministers on Thursday.

A European mechanism allows refugees who have arrived in Italy to be relocated to other European countries within the framework of international law and the law of the sea. This system, which had already undergone a first phase in 2019, provides that a dozen member states, including France and Germany, voluntarily take in 8,000 migrants who have arrived in countries such as Italy.

Reinforced border controls with Italy

Still as a result of the crisis, “France will take, in the coming hours, measures to strengthen controls at our internal borders with Italy”, also announced Gérald Darmanin.

Next measures at European level

Discussions will also take place at European level, in response to Italy’s decision. “France will organize, in the coming days, with the European Commission, and with Germany, a meeting which will put in place, in full respect of international law, the framework allowing to draw the consequences of the Italian attitude, to better regulate rescue actions at sea by NGO ships in the Mediterranean”, continued the Minister of the Interior.

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