Sagittarius – be patient. Until Wednesday there will be a tendency to get into dramas

by time news

Aries (photo: no credit)

Aries 21.3-20.4

This week you will have a tendency to waste energy and scatter. Filter out the excess information and try to be focused. Your intimate relationships are undergoing changes, don’t fight them and let go of what is no longer true for you. On Friday-Saturday you will have to navigate between many external stimuli; On Saturday evening until Monday afternoon the sensitivity will increase; Monday afternoon to Wednesday you will have a tendency to attract fire, and you will deal with turbulent emotions; On Thursday you may find yourself busy with bureaucracy.

Taurus (photo: no credit)Taurus (photo: no credit)

Taurus 21.4-20.5

This week the internal tensions continue. You are going through a process of releasing karma in relationships and in the financial field. Do not insist on preserving the existing at any cost. On Friday-Saturday there will be movements, conversations and receiving information in the economic field and expected changes in these matters. You will probably feel unstable but be patient. Saturday evening until Monday afternoon will be marked by family; Monday noon to Wednesday will be tense at home and among the family; Thursday will be relatively calm, try not to be too critical of yourself.

Gemini (photo: no credit)Gemini (photo: no credit)

Gemini 21.5-20.6

You should filter information that will not benefit you, it is important not to act in any situation, and it is desirable to be selective. The moon in your sign on Friday-Saturday close to March causes emotional and mental stress, restlessness and frenzy, try to maintain your energy. On Saturday evening until Monday afternoon there may be opportunities to improve the economic situation; From Monday afternoon to Wednesday dramas will continue in the immediate vicinity, try not to fan the fire, the situation is emotionally explosive; On Thursday you will devote time to internal order and cleansing.

Cancer sign (photo: no credit)Cancer sign (photo: no credit)

Cancer 21.6-22.7

In the romantic field, significant and fateful relationships occupy you. You are taking stock and are in karmic release. On Friday-Saturday you will feel physical sensitivity, weakness, dispersion, lack of focus and mental and emotional overload. This is a time for peace and relaxation. The moon in your sign on Saturday evening until Monday afternoon will bring emotional balance but also a higher sensitivity than usual. Monday afternoon to Wednesday are expected to be dramatic in the economic field, change is possible but delays are expected on the way; On Thursday you are expected to deal with bureaucracy.

Leo (photo: no credit)Leo (photo: no credit)

Leo 23.7-22.8

A tense week: household and family matters and the relationships in them bother you and drain your energy. You feel restlessness and nervousness as well as a desire for deep change. Friday-Saturday are expected to be sensitive and socially uneasy. On Saturday evening until Monday afternoon, high sensitivity is expected, listen to your intuitions and needs. The moon in your sign from noon to Wednesday may cause drama. Try not to ignite the fire and try to regulate things in a creative way. On Thursday you will deal with order and organization in the financial field.

Virgo (photo: no credit)Virgo (photo: no credit)

Virgo 23.8-22.9

You are overwhelmed with events, information and career activities, but try not to lose unnecessary energy due to lack of focus. For some initiatives, patience is required. The relationships in the immediate environment are undergoing significant changes. On Friday-Saturday, your career will keep you busy and burden you. Try to be patient; On Saturday evening until Monday afternoon you will reach an emotional balance with friends; From Monday afternoon to Wednesday you will feel tension and restlessness and there may be emotional dramas. The moon in your sign on Thursday will cause sensitivity and dealing with bureaucracy.

Libra (photo: no credit)Libra (photo: no credit)

Libra 23.9-23.10

The economic field occupies you, you are in a period of releasing karmic debts. Friday-Saturday are good for overseas trips and/or studies; Saturday evening to Monday afternoon is good for career. Monday noon to Wednesday are expected to be socially dramatic: you attract fire, but try not to ignite it; Thursday was dedicated to cleaning and internal order.

Scorpio (photo: no credit)Scorpio (photo: no credit)

Scorpio 24.10-21.11

Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio influence relationships and the financial field. Breakups, disconnections and fateful connections occur. You are facing a significant year. On Friday-Saturday you will reach inner enlightenment and emotional insights, but you will feel restlessness and nervousness. On Saturday evening until Monday afternoon you will reach an emotional balance; From Monday afternoon to Wednesday there will be a tendency to be dragged into dramas and power struggles; Thursday is expected to be socially sensitive, try not to be too critical or selective.

Sagittarius (photo: no credit)Sagittarius (photo: no credit)

Sagittarius 22.11-21.12

You are affected by the conduct of the other party in relationships, and you do not have a sense of security and stability. It is important that you act correctly and not follow the other party uncontrollably, because he is not focused and finds it difficult to focus on his true desire. Be patient. On Friday-Saturday you will feel restlessness; On Saturday evening until Monday afternoon you will reach an emotional balance, and the feeling of security will return to you; Monday afternoon to Wednesday there will be a tendency to get into dramas, try to maintain balance and not fan the fire; On Thursday you are expected to deal with bureaucracy.

Capricorn (photo: no credit)Capricorn (photo: no credit)

Capricorn 22.12-20.1

You are in the process of releasing people from your life or creating new fateful connections. Whoever is no longer relevant – let him go; And at the same time – be open to the entry of new people. On Friday-Saturday you will feel an excess of stimuli, filter out what is irrelevant; On Saturday evening until Monday afternoon you will reach an emotional balance in relationships; From Monday afternoon to Wednesday emotional dramas will unfold, do not light the fire and try to let go of the need for control; On Thursday you will arrange and clean your thoughts.

Aquarius (photo: no credit)Aquarius (photo: no credit)

Aquarius 21.1-18.2

Your position in your career is strengthened, but at the same time your home and family become unstable. Relationships affect careers. Let go of people, situations and beliefs that no longer serve you. On Friday-Saturday the romantic field will keep you busy. There is an excess of stimuli, but it is desirable to be focused. On Saturday evening until Monday afternoon you will feel satisfaction at work; From Monday afternoon to Wednesday dramas are expected in relationships and partnerships, and the tension will rise. Try not to fan the fire; On Thursday you will organize internal order and cleaning.

Pisces (photo: no credit)Pisces (photo: no credit)

Fish 19.2-20.3

You are undergoing a profound change of mind in your worldview. Fears and concerns arise, and there is uncertainty about your life. On Friday-Saturday there will be a load of events and stimuli at home and among the family, try to relax. On Saturday evening until Monday afternoon you will reach an emotional balance, maybe you will fall in love and maybe you will have a good and strengthening emotional experience; Monday afternoon to Wednesday will be explosive and dramas are expected, especially at work. Try to maintain balance and not ignite the fire.

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