Lecture about the leper home St. Jurrien –

by time news

On Thursday 24 November, heritage organization Deventer Verhaal, in collaboration with Archeologie Deventer and Kunstenlab, will organize a presentation about the archaeological research into the leper home St. Jurrien. Municipal archaeologist Bart Vermeulen presents the first results of the archaeological research. Artist Lobke Meekes looks back on the hearing and performance project G464.

This spring, archaeologists from the municipality of Deventer, together with archeology students from Saxion University of Applied Sciences and Leiden University, conducted research into the leper home in the Hanseatic city of Deventer. Between 1345 and 1578 people with the contagious disease leprosy were taken care of in the house on the Snipperlingsdijk.

Results archaeological research
During the investigation, traces of several buildings of the guest house came to light and also a small part of the associated cemetery. It was striking that these remains were relatively deep in the soil. Around 1600 the terrain was raised considerably and a farm was built, of which remains have also been found. The farm was later replaced by a country house whose full floor plan could be examined. These different phases will be discussed during the first part of the evening.

Aerial archaeological research

Project G464, a hearing and performance
While the archaeologists descended deeper and deeper into the earth, artist Lobke Meekes realized the hearing and performance on the same plot: G464. G464 is a story landscape where you as a visitor wander in different time dimensions and dig in different layers of the earth. In this hearing and performance, visitors were invited to participate and they themselves determined in which perspective and in which order the various stories about this special place followed one another. Meekes also went in search of new stories about this location with children from Kindercentrum Rivierenwijk. A selection of these is also discussed. Visitors to the lecture will also receive the special card G464 on which you can review and hear the results of the project.

Bart Vermeulen has been a municipal archaeologist at the municipality of Deventer since 2008. Before that, he worked as a project leader for Archeology at the municipality and has thus been involved in many archaeological investigations in the city. Lobke Meekes is an artist and graduated in 2006 from the CABK in Zwolle. Her work is always created after thorough artistic research and consists of installations, performances and audio experiences, often on location and based on a specific question.

You are most welcome on Thursday 24 November at Kunstenlab at Havenplein 20 in Deventer. The lecture starts at 8:00 PM and lasts approximately 90 minutes. Entry from 7.30 pm. Admission is free. Advance reservation via www.deventerstory.nl/reserveren is required. There are max. 60 places available.

Lecture Series
The participating organizations in the lecture series are Museum Geert Groote Huis, Archeology Deventer, Athenaeum Library, Etty Hillesum Centrum, Deventer Verhaal and Architectuurcentrum Rondeel. The Deventer heritage lectures take place once a month at various locations in the city. The history of Deventer is central to this. Often the focus is on a current theme.

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