“You get out and you go to the niche” … In Sartrouville, the football club is in open conflict with its town hall

by time news

It’s the clubhouse of discord. For almost a month and a half, Espérance Sportive Sartrouville (ESS), the only football club in the city which has 800 members, can no longer use this 120 m2 space located at the Nungesser stadium. The place houses the administrative offices of the association and the refreshment bar.

“We gave a coat of paint, we bought sofas and a television, we put synthetic on the ground and put the fiber, lists the manager of the club, Ismaël Badaoui. It’s not just the place where we do our technical meetings with the educators or those of the board of directors. It’s also the place where parents prepare snacks and birthday parties for kids, sometimes even telecommute while their child plays, the U14s have lunch there before their 2 p.m. match on Saturday, the women organize pizza evenings during matches. of the Champions League… We have optimized this place so that it becomes a real place to live. »

Esperance has been present for 40 years

The one who also occupies the position of coach of the pennant team (R3, 8th national level) continues. “Overnight, we are told to leave the premises. They own the public premises and they have the right to do with them what they want. But not in such a brutal way and without consultation. For an association that has occupied these premises for more than 40 years, there is a minimum of Republican courtesy to receive us and discuss around the table. There we are told: you release and you go to the niche. It is dictatorship. »

The niche Ismaël Badaoui is talking about is a 10m2 prefab next to the synthetic pitch of Gagarin Park, where the club was forced to find refuge. “In addition, this stadium is not secure to accommodate children, adds the manager. For me, the town hall took this decision to give in to a racist part of the Nungesser district. It is a suburban district. Some people don’t appreciate seeing a football club and its diversity. »

Slots removed, subsidies refused…

The former president of the ESS resigned a few weeks ago. He was replaced by David Ribeiro. “It broke my heart to leave the club but it was the only solution,” said Ahmed Badaoui. In addition to this club house affair, the town hall has been putting a spoke in our wheels for some time with deleted slots, subsidies to pay and train educators refused. I have asked the sports representative 21 times for 3 years but he has never answered me…”

Faced with this conflict between the town hall and the football club, the parents of the licensees support the ESS and their leaders in their approach. They even created a group of parents. Last Saturday, accompanied by young graduates, they demonstrated in front of Sartrouville station then in front of the town hall. “Do not touch my club” could we read in particular on the banners.

“It’s really small to get to remove access to the club house, creaks Paule-Dominique, the creator of the collective and mother of Elisé-Yoan, player in the U9 category. Sartrouville is one of the largest towns in Yvelines (2nd after Versailles). We pay taxes and a license for our children. We want to find our club house. »

The club is at fault according to the town hall

Reached by telephone, the elected official for sports in the municipality spoke about the reasons for this confiscation of the clubhouse at the ESS. “People from the club behaved deviantly during the Covid-19 period, says Pierre Prigent, also former president of the football club. They held nightly meetings that ended with a barbecue. Other events were also held outside health rules. We therefore sanctioned the club for these reasons. But I think we will now normalize the club’s relationship with the community because a new president has been appointed. »

“What the elected sportsman says is a web of lies, scolds Ismaël Badaoui. If there were meetings, they were all held according to the regulations in force at the time, either by respecting the confinement or curfew schedules, or by respecting the derogations authorized by the State. There have never been barbecues and parties. We did nothing wrong. “The game has only just begun…

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