Doctor Thawi pointed out that 400 million people worldwide are sick with pneumonia per year, plus covids will never go anywhere. Recommend vaccines to help

by time news

Doctor Thawi pointed out that 400 million people worldwide are sick with pneumonia per year, plus covids will never go anywhere. Recommend vaccines to help

Today (11 November 2022) National Vaccine Institute and the Vaccines for the People Foundation Organize a seminar on the occasion of ‘World Pneumonia, World Pneumonia Day2022’ at Grand Richmond Hotel (Rattanathibet), Nonthaburi Province

Assoc. Prof. (Special) Dr. Tawee Chotiphitayasunont The National Vaccine Expert Committee said that many people may have questions. pneumonia and Is pneumonia different? but actually the same, but should use the word more than pneumonia Around the world, about 400 million people get sick and 2.5 million die each year, half of them under the age of 15.

“So it is considered a disease at any age. But the care is different for each age. Most of the deaths among children are under 5 years of age, so it is a group of severe pneumonia. due to low immunity Along with congenital diseases, while adults who die are often older than 65-70 years due to congenital disease. It is easy to get infected and have severe symptoms. so pneumonia Or infectious diseases are more common in young people and very old people. working age group It is less common,” Assoc. Prof. (Special) Dr. Tawee said.

Assoc. Prof. (Special) Dr. Tawee said that the cause of pneumonia symptoms can be: rare Because the body has a system to fight germs and 2. Caused by bacteria. The most important one is pneumococcal, which is a throat infection. Wait for the day to attack on the day when the body is weak, such as the flu, the rough airway carries the infection down the lungs. Or enter the blood system to cause brain, bone disease, causing severe pneumonia (IPD).

Assoc. Prof. (Special) Dr. Tawee said that the factors that cause pneumonia besides age Breastfeeding is also important. Because young children who are breastfed will have immunity. Medically, it is strongly encouraged that children after birth are breastfed to build immunity against various diseases. environmental factors Dusty air can irritate the respiratory system. or a house with cigarette smoke It makes people in the hometown of pneumonia easier. The country’s economic factors, such as malnutrition, weaken the body. Immunity will be reduced. and individual factors, so vaccines are very important. with developed technology in the near future Vaccines will be a key ingredient in the fight against many diseases.

Assoc. Prof. (Special) Dr. Thawee said that the outbreak of COVID-19 This creates a high body of knowledge in vaccine development, so future vaccines will have a very high chance of success.

“RSV virus that causes pneumonia in children and adults is high. but the latest news The development of a vaccine is nearing completion. The results of the study in the elderly will be further studied in children. will have immunity to prevent infection since it is in the womb,” Assoc. Prof. (Special) Dr. Tawee said.

Assoc. Prof. (Special) Dr. Thawee said that the vaccine prevents pneumonia caused by various germs. like a vaccine against pneumococcus It’s a highly coveted vaccine. Especially in children to prevent severe IPD disease. In addition, there is also a Hib vaccine, which is currently available in Thai children. Prevent both pneumonia meningitis can The flu vaccine that is spreading The more the wearing of masks is reduced. The outbreak will increase, so the flu vaccination once a year. but very worth it because in addition to preventing influenza can also protect against pneumococcus

“Finally, pleaseReiterating about Covid-19 that there is no day to go anywhere will be with us for eternity and will bring his brothers with him. So COVID-19 is a prime example. that the balancing of nature and man is very important There is also a new coronavirus Many more are waiting, and where are they waiting? Believe that they are waiting in the bats. Don’t play with fire. It’s very dangerous because bats are the ultimate pathogens. Both influenza, corona virus, encephalitis, rabies, etc.,” Assoc. Will prevent severe symptoms, pneumonia and death, so the elderly at risk groups should hurry to get a booster dose (booster dose) to prevent death. This is because of COVID-19 Sick and then recover, but if it gets into the lungs until it causes pneumonia, it will be very severe.

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