Garmin organizes Garmin Health Envision 2022 to update health tech trends

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Garmin Health Digital Health Solutions from Garmin hosts an event “Garmin Health Envision 2022” Update Health Tech trends in Thailand, revealing data from Garmin Connect, indicating that Thai people have turned to wear smartwatches up to 87% over the past 5 years. It is believed to be one of the trends. Proactive healthcare reinforces the trend of proactive healthcare Show the application of Garmin Health Solutions to the medical community for the first time in Thailand, ready to accelerateexpandPartners to drive Thai society towards The Optimal Life

Pulled 2 famous doctors, Doctor Friends – Dr. Kobkulaya Jungprasertsri Preventive medicine specialist and Dr. Ern – Dr. Piyada Hachaiyaphum, a specialist in mental care Let’s share the guidelines for using smartwatch under the concept “Monitoring for Preventive Health Issue or tracking health trends to reduce the risk of future health problems” for a life of “The Optimal Life – Good Life. the best in your own way”, which can occur from taking care of your health to perfection. both physically and mentally Ready to show the application of smart watch technology and Garmin Health Solution to the medical industry for the first time in Thailand in the project Better HemoLife

Ms. Hansa Aphanukul, Marketing Strategy Manager, Garmin Thailand, said, “Today Health Tech to play an important role in the public health industry both in diagnosing and treating patients and in people’s daily lives. Garmin’s technological developments such as health monitoring sensors can be made more versatile. Able to track health data 24 hours a day, including sleep tracking blood oxygen level exercise From long-lasting battery power, etc., people’s behavior gradually changes. Health data can be viewed from the watch on the wrist. without having to go to the hospital to check Making people more interested in health care, more proactive. Data from Garmin Connect also reveals in the same way that Thai people have turned to wear smartwatches up to 87% in the past 5 years. It is important to lead Thai people to change the way of health care in order to reinforce the concept of Monitoring for Preventive Health Issue or monitoring health trends to reduce the risk of future health problems.”

20221110 134657 | Garmin Health Envision 2022 | Garmin organizes Garmin Health Envision 2022 event, updating health tech trends

Even now, there is technology that is ready to meet the needs of health care. and make it easier for people to take care of their health But making Thai people to turn to focus And creating a change in health care behavior is also the most important issue in changing the health future of Thai people. “In-depth health information will help users understand their health. can diagnose the cause of health changes as well as assess trends in order to plan your own health care And when users see changes or progress in their health, they help motivate and encourage behavior change. Garmin is committed to developing more comprehensive health features. Currently, we have a feature that covers almost every aspect, such as measuring blood oxygen saturation levels. tracking stress levels Intensity Minutes Women’s Health Tracking both menstrual cycle tracking and pregnancy tracking heart rate Body energy level (Body Battery) sleep tracking water intake tracking and respiratory rate This information will be displayed in an easy-to-understand format on the smart watch face. Users can also view detailed data through the Garmin Connect app, which allows them to view historical health data from one day to one year. Health will be a tool to help encourage Thai people to change their behavior to take care of their health more proactively. To reach the ultimate goal is to live the life of The Optimal Life or the best life in your own way,” said Hansa.

Hunsa Apanukul 1 | Garmin Health Envision 2022 | Garmin organizes Garmin Health Envision 2022 event to update health tech trendsGarmin Health and Garmin smart watch Not only limited to general users but can also bring in depth health data obtained from Garmin smart watch Sync data to Garmin Connect applications Connect and share data with partners via Garmin Health API, Garmin Standard SDK and Garmin Companion SDK to provide partners with specific expertise. These health data can be applied to create a proactive health development plan. together to create a good quality of life for Thai society To the Optimal Life, the latest Garmin Health Solution has been applied for the first time in medical research in Thailand with the Better HemoLife project, a project to promote exercise for hemophilia patients. or patients with bleeding prone Collaborative work between the Hemophilia Patients Club of Thailand together with Garmin Health Thailand and Smart Health by GIS Platform

Product Display 1 | Garmin Health Envision 2022 | Garmin organizes Garmin Health Envision 2022 event, updating health tech trendsCounty dentist Suwannurak President of the Hemophilia Patient Club of Thailand Talk about partnering with Garmin. Health in the Better HemoLife project that “patients with hemophilia Having problems with bleeding easily but difficult to stop, resulting in the patient having limitations in daily life including exercise Therefore, it is very challenging to proactively treat these patients. The medical team then brought Garmin Health Solution to help track data such as pace, heart rate, VO2 max level, exercise situation. and burning calories to measure results which is monitored through Smart Health by GIS, a partner platform To encourage patients to do activities by bringing Garmin smartwatch and Garmin Health Solution to support the project. This allows the team of doctors and working groups to simultaneously monitor the health data of 35 participating patients from across the country. It can also be monitored continuously for 24 hours. Health data can be used for diagnosis. and accurately plan the health care of each patient in the project.”
“Garmin Health Solution allows the medical team to proactively plan an appropriate treatment program for their patients. to be able to modify patients’ behaviors and attitudes until they are able to exercise live a happier life It was also found that patients in the Better HemoLife program had reduced bleeding rates,” the provincial dentist added.

20221110 134626 | Garmin Health Envision 2022 | Garmin organizes Garmin Health Envision 2022 event to update health tech trendsProfessor Colonel Dr. Chanchai Traiwaree, Head of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Phramongkutklao Hospital/Phramongkutklao College of Medicine He added, “We have more Digital Health Technology, we need to help each other change attitudes. Going beyond the old concept of providing patients with access to good exercise for a better quality of life, Better HemoLife project is a clear example of how people in society are aware of proactive health care that can change the body in good way Which smartwatch has come to be an important helper both in terms of encouraging patients to exercise continuously including assessing their own potential.”
Khun Pisek Rakdet, Parent and Patient of the Better HemoLife Project, said, “Before, we didn’t dare to let my son exercise. because it is seen as increasing the risk of bleeding But when I try to use Garmin smart watch and keep track of my health. have seen that the health information of the younger is in a better way therefore changing the treatment methods from the previous drug use We brought our younger siblings up to exercise instead. Garmin smartwatch makes us look beyond our limitations. and turn to proactive health care.”

20221110 140320 | Garmin Health Envision 2022 | Garmin organizes Garmin Health Envision 2022 event, updating health tech trends“Today, Thailand has actually implemented Garmin Health Solution for hemophilia patients. can change the behavior of patients who are afraid of exercise to get up to exercise Therefore, it is not difficult for everyone to rise up to create proactive health care behaviors. to reduce the risk of future health problems And Garmin is still looking for partners who share the same goals to collaborate and share their expertise. to drive the concept of proactive health care into reality in Thai society,” concluded Khun Hansa.
Garmin Health has a number of features that can be applied to a wide range of businesses. both personal health and within the organization for organizations, entrepreneurs or business owners who are interested in Garmin Health Solution and want to become a partner in bringing Thai society towards proactive health care together You can visit us at For more information, please call 02-262-8999 ext. 6801 or email [email protected]

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